Being... A Teenager... Again 🥲

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You were in the office with Moxxie and Millie, who were speaking to a client, the client was fish like, guess that explains how they died. You were reading F/B (favorite book), of course you were excited to dive right in since you didn't know that books from Earth were in Hell too. You were almost at your favorite part just when Blitzø bursts open the door and walks in, you looked over, the imp was covered in leaves, bruises, and dirt, he ignores all of you completely and goes into his office.

"Sir! There's a client here who wants to-," Moxxie starts, but Blitzø must not hear him because he slams his office door shut loudly. Moxxie and Millie stare at each other for a second before their attention returns to the client.

Millie chuckles nervously, "I'm sorry, you were saying?"

The demon shrugs his hands in confusion, "Well, it's just that I'm sure one of the other camp counselors killed me, I'm just not sure which one..."

"How could you not know?" Moxxie questions.

"I was out on the lake when my boat started to sink. Someone had drilled holes in it. The counselors are the only ones with keys to the boathouse, and they're the only ones who knew I couldn't swim. It had to be them."

"Hmm," Moxxie contemplates, "We don't typically do investigations. I'll have to check with the boss."

You get up from your spot on the couch and go over to the client, "I've been there too, bud. I don't know who killed me either, but I'm just going to assume that they were a gigantic pile of piss and shit."

"Oh, cool I'm not alone," The client responded.

"Oh, N/N. You doin' good after that whole kidnapping thang?" Millie asked.

You nodded your head, "Yeah, the dude's dead anyways, not a bother to me anymore."

"'Kay, good."

Moxxie came back out, "We'll take the case!" He points his thumbs toward himself, "And I'll be handling this investigation, personally.

Millie looks at her husband with concern, "Honey, are you sure?" She gestures to Blitzø's office, "What about Blitzø?"

"Honey, honey, please." Moxxie straightens himself, "Blitzø put me in charge this time."

"He did?!" Millie questions in disbelief, Moxxie notices this and narrows his eyes as he looks back at her skeptically. Millie realizes her mistake and then corrects herself to make her husband feel better, "Oh! I mean, he... he did!"

"Right! And this is going to be the," Moxxie swipes his hand across, "Cleanest, most," He fists down, "well-prepped, most surgical hit we've ever had! Don't worry sir!" Moxxie points at the client, "We'll find your killer and give him what's coming to him." Moxxie pauses, "And/or her... Or they..." He points back at the client.


Moxxie brought out the investigation board, several red strings extend everywhere even off the board. You look at Millie who's wearing an annoyed expression. "Mox... Are you sure this isn't a little... much?" Millie questions.

"It's my first lead, Mills. It has to be perfect." Moxxie turns back to the investigation board, "Now, in front of you two, you'll both find a comprehensive guide to each of your cover personas." Moxxie slams a fist onto the board making you flinch, "Memorize it. We've got a lot of work to do."


Camp Ivannakummore, you know that camps have the strangest names, but you also know that the pronunciation of this one is intentional. As soon as the three of you near the camp the sounds of children laughing is heard, This is a nightmare. You look down at the outfit you're wearing, Moxxie says 'it's for the persona', the yellow and black extremely baggy jersey with your name on the back of it (you don't know how Moxxie managed that with such a short amount of time) along with your L/N (lucky number) (also no idea how he got that info), paired with dark brown basketball shorts, white and black Nike's, and you also wore a black and yellow baseball cap. It was an okay outfit, but you were only wearing it for the job, after this fiasco was over and done with you were definitely going to toss it into the trash (if you want to, I don't know your guys taste in fashion).

You looked over at Millie and Moxxie. Millie was disguised as a human boy, she wore a yellow beanie, a black and yellow jersey (like yours), black fingerless gloves, a grey and red backpack, black basketball shorts, and black and red sneakers. Moxxie was disguised as a human girl he wore his hair up in pigtails secured by red hair ties in order to hide his horns, he wore make up, a black tube top, a black choker with a pink heart charm, and skinny blue jeans that were ripped at the ends.

Moxxie fixes his tube top, "Okay, Millie, Y/N, one last time for safety." He puts on a girly voice, "I'm Moxxie's, the hottest, most popular girl at my school, and you are?" He directs the question to Millie.

Millie responds in a guy voice, "Your brother, Millerd, I like sports and," She thrusts her hips, "Fuckin' bitches!"

"Hm, you know these kids are a bit younger than I was expecting maybe lose that last part."


Moxxie looks at you putting his girl voice back on, "And what about you?"

You sigh, "I'm N/N, I like sports, like 'Millerd', and I'm his..." You pause not wanting to finish.

"You're his..." Moxxie tries to make you continue.

"...Partner..." You frown at the word and who it's connected to. "Look, Mox. I don't think having me as Mill's partner helps our job any, can't I just be both of your friends."

"It's fine, Y/N. Its not like you're actually dating her, plus Millie's fine with it. Right, honey?" Moxxie looks at his wife.

"Yeah! It'll be fun, and it might make us seem more believable," Millie responds.

You slightly roll your eyes, "Fine."

"Alright," Moxxie puts on his girl voice once more, "I think we are ready."

Millie notices something and points, "Hey, guys!" You look over to where her finger is pointing at and you see a person wearing a coat who's carrying a large sack over his back. The person checks their surroundings and then sneakily tiptoes to the bushes. "Check out that shady-lookin' fella over there. I think that's our guy."

"I think you're right," You agree.

"Ahem, Millie, Y/N... I hardly think pointing out the first guy you see is the proper way to conduct a-," Moxxie starts.

Millie pulls out a pair of binoculars from her bag and describes the scene, "No, that's definitely him. That bag's full of money, and drugs, and what looks like a drill one would use to poke holes in a boat."

"But- but that's all circumstantial at best!" Moxxie switches to his girl voice, "We need to methodically eliminate all suspects until we can be sure."

Millie continues to describe what she sees, "Now, he's lookin' around and headed into that locked boathouse we heard about. That would be the perfect place to-." Millie pauses when she notices Moxxie's upset expression, "Fine, Mox. We'll do it your way."

"With my sleuthing skills, your killer eye, and Y/N's high intellect, we should have this wrapped up in no time. Now," Moxxie switches into his girl voice, "We just have to find the kids with the most influence." He scans over the camp, "Oh... target, acquired." Moxxie fixes his tube top and then walks off toward a picnic table with three pre-teen girls.

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