An Emotional Massacre

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"Ugh..." You groaned as you woke up.

That... was horrible.

Suddenly you heard Moxxie speak, "Do you remember what you said to me after my first day with the company?"

"...Not really," Blitzø replied.

"I remember. You told me I did a good job and that you were proud to work with me. I feel like you wanted to say something more judgmental, but... you said that because I needed it... And it helped."

"Look, I'm hard on you, because I know what you're capable of, Mox. You care too much about what everyone thinks except for... me, because, y'know, my opinion is correct, but just... keep doing a good job. 'Kay? You shoot 'n kill good, you escape things easy... You can be strategic and cold-blooded when you need to, aaaaand don't expect any more compliments; I'm maxed out."

"Thank you, sir."

"You know my name... Use it."

"Thanks, Blitzø."

You fake sniffled, "Awwwww, what a happy ending!"

Boom! Boom! BRASH!

Just then, Millie crashed through the ceiling. "There's my Millie!" Moxxie exclaimed.

Millie ran up to the three of you to untie you.

"You're a life saver, Mil," You sighed in relief.

"Impressive work, Mils! How'd you get here all by yourself?" Blitzø asked.

Millie and Moxxie embrace each other, but then Loona in her human form smashes through the one-way window using Agent two as a battering ram.

"LOONIE?!" Blitzø yelled in shock.

"Get your asses out here before MORE FUCKERS SHOW UP!" Loona demanded as she threw Agent Two at Agent One. And then she crouched down and leapt, reverting back into her Hellhound form as she landed, then she howled.

Loona drops her backpack, and you grin along with Blitzø and Moxxie. Moxxie pulls out twin sub machine guns while Blitzø takes out his flintlock, and you pull out a butterfly knife and a shot gun. Suddenly, and alarm goes of and tons of people drop down from the ceiling carrying Japanese weapons. You take a stance preparing to fight.

"Oooookay, I've had one too many emotions for today! Guys... Let's fuck these fuckers up!" Blitzø yelled.

It all went to shit for the other guys from there. You started to shoot some of the people with the shot gun, but as you reloaded a guy came up behind you and tried to choke you out. It only slowed you down a little bit though because you immediately sliced open his throat with the knife you grabbed.


It went on like that for a while, you shot, you stabbed, you killed. But suddenly, the lights in the room went red.

"Oh, shit! C'mon, fam! Let's blow this cocksicle joint!" Blitzø exclaimed.

Then you ran towards the exit, but before you could escape the doors closed and then multiple defenses covered the door.

"Quick! The book!" Moxxie exclaimed.

Loona pulled out the grimoire from her backpack, "Shhit! I can't... I can't read the spell in this light! I can't see dick!"

Blitzø searches for more weapons, "Well, shit. Looks like we've milked this weapon tit dry, and now we're out of badassery."

"Ha! You demons aren't goin' anywhere now! Haaa!" Agent Two said amused.

But just then, the electronics and lights begin to flicker. Then, there's a silhouette of Stolas, you sigh in relief, Yay, we're saved.

"Who daaares threaten... my impish little plaything?" Stolas said threateningly.

Agent One looked around, "Who said that?!"

A monitor comes flying toward Agent One bashing him in the face and knocking him onto the floor. He turns to look at his partner, "Agent Two?"

You look over at Agent Two, who isn't doing too hot. Her head is spamming, her red eyes wide and mouth slack in shock and horror. Around her, dead bodies stand up, their eyes are black and empty. Agent Two tries to fight the force possessing her, but fails. The bodies kneel. Agent One stands back up, and attempts to approach Agent Two. HAS THIS MAN NEVER WATCHED A SINGLE HORROR MOVIE IN HIS LIFE?! As Agent One approaches Agent Two her head twists around "The Exorcist" style to look at Agent One. Examining Agent Two further you see that she now has sharp teeth, bloodshot eyes, and her mascara has formed sharp streaks down her cheeks.

"What's the matter demon hunter? Never seen a REAL demon before?" Both Agent Two's voice and Stolas' ask.

The dead bodies start to draw a summoning circle around Agent Two in their own blood, which drips from their eyes and mouths. Agent Two chuckles maliciously, eye twitching and nose bleeding. You watch Agent One look on in terror as Agent Two's head whips back into its normal orientation. Her eyes have rolled back. She throws her head back and vomits shadowy sludge and feathers. Ew. Demented laughter rings throughout the room. The vomit starts to form into a shadowy owl monster. The beast approaches he two agents, screaming and roaring at them as they huddle together out of sheer horror. The owl monster's essence pulls back and turns into Stolas, who looks at the agents with disdain, he turns away from them and clicks a button, shutting off the alarm and the red light as well. The series of doors is heard opening off-screen. Stolas walks up to the gather I.M.P. group, and stops in front of Blitzø.

"Stolas? Wha-... A- Wh- Hold on, how did you know that we needed help?" Blitzø stammers.

"I have my ways, darling. Are you alright?" Stolas leans forward, gazing into Blitzø's eyes as he places a hand on his cheek.

Awwwww! You think to yourself.

Blitzø rolls his eyes, "Ugh. I'm fine, Stolas."

"Mm. Good." Stolas caresses Blitzø's head.

"How the FUCK... did you get caught by humans?! Are you little creatures not being careful up here?! You know, if you," Stolas boops Blitzø's nose, "get in trouble. I get in trouble! WE..." Stolas grabs Blitzø's cheek, "don't want that!"

Moxxie pulls Stolas's hand away from Blitzø's cheek, "They... caught us off guard, your highness."

"...Yeah, you can unclench your bird-puss, Stolas. It's not gonna happen again, 'kay?" Blitzø reassures.

"Luckily for you... most don't believe the word of the demon obsessed lunatics." Stolas says, "They are seen as kooks! Kooks! Such a silly word!" He claps his hands together, "Now! Let us all return!" Stolas opens a portal back to the I.M.P. Office.

"Yes, please. I'd like to get back to the correct hellhole as soon as possible," Moxxie says and hops through the portal helping Millie through with him.

"That was badass, your highness!" You praised Stolas.

"Oh! Well, uh-. Thank you, demon!" Stolas stammers.

You nod and you jump through the portal.

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