Moxxie...HAS A FATHER?!?!?

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You scrolled through Sinstagram like a robot, you sat on a chair in the I.M.P. office across from Loona who was also on her phone. Moxxie was drinking coffee and then he clapped twice, "You know I checked the scale today." He inhales sharply, "And it said I lost two pounds this week."

Loona looked over at Moxxie and rolls her eyes at him, you softly chuckle at her response, but Moxxie yells, "I. Am not. FAT!"

You were about to burst out laughing when suddenly the office door was slammed open. You looked over and Millie was stomping furiously around the office, mumbling angrily, "Ooh! Such a fucking asshole! That little motherfucker. I just wanna take my finger up and shove it up his fuckin' little thing!" Millie came up to the table the three of you were at and slammed her coffee cup down on it, startling both you and Loona. As Millie passed Loona, Loona pressed the 'Nut button!!', and a cardboard cutout of a human saying, "Hi! I'm a Hooman!' Millie throws a knife at the cutout and then lunges at it. You watch the female imp shred the cardboard, you look at her with worry.

"Millie, honey. Is everything okay?" Moxxie asks his wife.

Millie hisses at Moxxie in response, but then she snaps out of it and calms down, "Yeah. Just... bumped into an ex."

"Oh! Oh..."

Millie retracts her knife, "He just kept going on about how he has money now, 'a bright future', and 'a bigger cock'."

"Wait, what?" Moxxie questions.

Millie raises her voice, "Every time I see his stupid face, I can't help it! I just need to-." Millie punches the filing cabinet beside her in frustration.

Blitzø enters the room on his phone, "What the fuck is all this noise? I got a client!"

"Sorry, sir. I'll get this all cleaned-," Moxxie apologized. Blitzø interrupts him and holds up a photo of two imps making out in horse suits, "What is this?"

"Uh, research! For science! Just put it back correctly, okay? Alphabetize them," Blitzø walks back into his office.

You go over to Moxxie, "Is that furry porn?"

Moxxie shrugs, "I guess."

You frown at the photos and walk away to greet Millie, "Hey, Mill. Don't get too worked up over that guy, he's probably still obsessed with you. I mean who wouldn't be you're a bad ass, not to mention your hotter than Hell."

"Thanks, Y/N. You're a good friend y'know," Millie pulled you into a hug and pat your back.

You returned the hug and patted her on the back in return, "Thanks Mill."

Once the two of you pull away you notice a helicopter in your peripheral, you turn to look just as Blitzø comes out of his room,"What the fuck is that?" The helicopter shoots a grappling hook under the window, breaking the wall, "Satan's ass crack! Enough with the walls shit, we have a door!" Suddenly a gust of wind comes through the office and the photos Blitzø gave Moxxie blow away, "My research!"

The helicopter flies closer to the building, and creates a bridge to get from the building onto the helicopter, the pilot of the helicopter steps out, "I.M.P.? Right this way, please!"

"Uh, sir?" Moxxie has his gun pointed toward the pilot, while Millie holds her knife out. "What's going on?"

"Now, don't worry!" Blitzø explains, "It's just some fancy shmuck from Greed wanting to do business with us." Blitzø walks onto the helicopter and the three of you follow him, Loona stays behind.

"Uh, sir? I don't think this is a good idea," Moxxie states concern.

"When are any of Blitzø's ideas good ideas?" You respond. Blitzø glares at you in response, and in return you make a snarky reply, "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

Blitzø rolls his eyes and then responds to Moxxie, "It'll be fine. Now, get your asses moving!" Blitzø pushes the three of you into the helicopter.

Millie attempts to buckle herself in, but her seatbelt is broken, "Is this thing safe?"

"Don't worry, we are professionals!" The pilot responds.

As the helicopter flies off it takes a huge chuck of the wall with it. That's gonna be a pain to replace. You look at Blitzø in pity, since he's gonna have to pay for the damages, he notices you watching him however, and decides to get you back for earlier, "'TaKe A pIcTuRe It'Ll LaSt LoNgEr.'"

You roll your eyes at him, "You know I was only looking at you because I was feeling pity for you. You know since you're gonna have to pay for that wall that was just destroyed."

Blitzø barks out a laugh, "Don't worry it'll come out of your paycheck."

You growl at the imp, "Don't you fucking dare!"

"What? It's your office too, don't you want it to be in tip top shape?"

"Yes, but you know what I need more. I need to pay rent, I need to pay for food, I need to pay for clothes. So I'm sorry if I would like to keep my paycheck how it is."

"Fine, fine. Whatever, I've got a few friends that can help pay for it anyways."


You look out the helicopter window and see that you're flying through the Greed ring. Interested, you turn around to face the window, the land was covered in rubble and destruction, several flames covered the land too. To describe in short, it looked 100x worse than any ghetto in the human world. As you look out the window you see a sign that reads: 'Welcome to Notamafia Town; No mafia here! We're Mafia-free!' Why do you have to clarify that?

Moxxie lets out a disdained groan, "I hate this place."

"Oh, yeah. This is your old stomping ground, isn't it, Mox?" Blitzø asked.

"Stomping ground?" You questioned.

"Yeah, unfortunately. I grew up just over there," Moxxie points through the glass, "Swore I'd never come back, and- uh uh- what- what, where are we going?" The helicopter changes direction and heads toward the same area where Moxxie pointed. "What- Blitzø, who did you say this meeting was with?" Moxxie's voice dripped with anxiety.

"I'm not sure, just some rich somebody or other who wants to do biz at his place," Blitzø answers.

The helicopter finally lands, and Moxxie starts to breath heavily, "Oh, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!"

You look out the window to see what Moxxie's freaking out about, it's a huge mansion, dark smoke fumes out of the chimneys. You stand up and start to walk out of the helicopter, Moxxie shivers in fear, as Blitzø shoves him forward.

"There he is!" A voice exclaimed as the four of you exited the helicopter. You look around for the source of the voice and you see an imp with white hair and sideburns, he has yellow sclera and black pupils, his black and white horns zigzag as well as his tail, his skin is red like all imps, he has sharp teeth and one is plated in gold, under his eyes is what seems like white eyeliner or scars, the scar on his right eye reminds you of Zuko from 'Avatar', he's dressed in a navy blue suit lined with red thin stripes with a red button up underneath with a pair of black slacks also lined with red thin stripes, he has on black boots with red tips, and as an addition he has a black fedora with a red belt to add some color. The client extends his arms as if preparing for a hug, "There's my boy! Get over here and give your daddy a hug!"

"'Daddy'?" You, Blitzø, and Millie question in unison.

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