We All Love Millerd

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A volleyball rolls over to Millie, she goes over and picks it up, as she does one of the campers call to her, "Hey!" You look over to the voice and there are some kids playing volleyball, "Hey!"

Millie grabs your wrist, "Come on, let's play!" Then she drags you with her as she runs to join the kids playing volleyball.

The two of you reach the volleyball game area and one of the campers comes up to grab the ball, "You two wanna play?"

"Yes!" Millie realizes she used her real voice and then switches, "I-I mean yeah, sure." Millie drags you to a side of the net, "This is gonna be fun, right N/N?"

"Yeah, totally," You agree. Maybe fun for her, but...

Before you can finish your thought a volleyball comes flying at you, before it hits you, you put your hands together and hit it toward the other side. "Hey! Nice hit!" One of the campers praises. "Yeah, that was awesome!" Another one of the campers praises.

You grin at the praise, Maybe this'll be fun.


You gave Millie a high five then wiped the sweat off your face, your side had won.

Moxxie came over and Millie ran over to him, "Mox! Did you see? I broke the record on the course!"

Moxxie gave her a sheepish smile, "Mhmm. I saw."

"Can you believe this? Everyone LOVES me, they're cheering," She took out her phone, "They even posted videos of me online. LOOK!" Millie shoves the phone in Moxxie's face. Then Millie began to sing.

"Ooh, Moxxie! That was so fun! No wonder you sing all the time!" Millie exclaimed.

Moxxie wore an annoyed expression, "Not exactly low profile..."

"I know... but, it's kinda nice having people cheer for me for once ya know? Instead of SCREAMING," She rips the bouquet in half, "in PAIN and HORROR!"

Moxxie approaches her, "Don't forget what we're here to do, Millie."

You speak up in her defense, "She can have fun, it's not going to screw up the mission."

Millie shoots you an appreciative smile then faces her husband, "Mox, I haven't forgotten our mission. I'm just waitin' until you're ready... Have you been able to eliminate any suspects?"

"No, of course not. I can't get anything from anyone because they're too busy swooning over you," Moxxie answers.

"If you want we can go off," Millie pulls out her knives, "The guy right now!" She begins to head over to the cabin, "I think he's alone in the cabin-."

Moxxie pulls her back interrupting her, "No! I have to do this right."

Millie rolls her eyes in annoyance and puts her knives away, "I'll tell you what..." She goes over to Moxxie and caresses his cheek, "Why don't you try winning them over with something you're good at like I did." Millie walks over behind him, "How about your music?" Millie's eye's shine brightly, "I can even help you since they already love me."

Moxxie's eyes began to shine as well with enthusiasm, "Yeah... YEAH!" He switches to his female voice, "That just might work."

You walked over next to Millie and whispered in her ear, "Why are you encouraging him? We could've been done already."

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