One Hell-Hound Of A Party

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Today, you were hanging out with Loona. Blitzø had gone to stalk Millie and Moxxie on their anniversary, and Loona, surprisingly, asked you if you'd come with her to a party in the gluttony ring. Of course, you said yes, it sounded like fun, and you'd get to learn more about Loona.

The party didn't start until really late so you and Loona went shopping for clothes to wear or other things the two of you wanted.

"Hey," Loona greeted you.

"Oh! Hi," You responded, "So, where'd you wanna go first?"

"Oh, uh, there's this really good thrift store just around the corner, we can start there."

"Okay, sounds good."

The two of you started to walk down the sidewalk, "Oh, um, how'd you end up here?" Loona asked.

"I'm pretty sure I was shot," You replied.

"Oof, that sucks."

"Yeah, but stuff like that happens to people everyday."

"Yeah, guess so."


After hours of shopping you and Loona decided that you had enough stuff, and the party was going to start in a few hours anyways. So, you both said your goodbyes, and went to your homes to change.


Loona greeted you outside your apartment complex, she wore a maroon dress with a black pentagram.

"You look, amazing!" You complemented her.

"Oh, uh, thanks, you too." She responded.

"Thanks! Well, lets get going, you lead the way."


You rode in the back of a taxi along with Loona. Her phone vibrates, but apparently whoever was calling her was going to have to wait, since she declined the call almost immediately.

"You want me to drop you two off here?" The taxi driver asked.

Loona glanced out the window, "Oh! Uh! Yeah. Yeah, this looks right. I, uh... haven't been here before."

You opened the passenger door and stepped out, apparently whoever was throwing this party had a butt-ton of cash, at least you assume they do because, a building this nice and this big probably isn't owned by someone in the middle class. As the taxi drives off you walk over to Loona, who is texting someone.

"Is it Vortex?" You ask.

"What?" She questions you.

"I mean who your texting, it's Vortex. Right?"

"Oh, yeah," She answers and then continues to text.

Suddenly a booming voice called out, "Loooo-naaaa!" You look up to see Vortex, "Hey, girl! Glad you could make it! Who's your friend?"

"Tex! Yeah, hey. Thanks for inviting me. This is-," Loona greets.

"I'm, Y/N. Nice to meet you," You introduced yourself.

"I'm Vortex, but you can call me Tex," He extended his hand and you took it.

The Hellhound then proceeded to lead the two of you into the mansion.

"Hey, everyone! Meet the new faces!" Vortex howled in excitement and the other party members joined in. "You two want a... drink or anything?"

"Oh, uh... sure! Totally..." Loona says, with fake enthusiasm.

"Yeah! That'd be great!" You tried to make Loona's fake enthusiasm seem realer by adding you own real enthusiasm onto it.

Vortex nodded his head and left to get the two of you drinks. As soon as he was far enough from view Loona dropped her facade.

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