The Truth SUCKS!

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"I'm just worried about Millie. She'll be on her way by now, I'm sure!" Moxxie said, worriedly.

"Ugh, she'll be fine, Moxxie. It would take a roiled-up hippo to take down that woman when she's upset," Blitzø reassured.

"We've never dealt with the human government before! She's in danger!" Moxxie exclaimed.

You looked down at the floor thinking about the way this part of the government worked. You tried to ignore Moxxie's worries, but suddenly, green gas began to seep into the room you were in.

"Hey, guys-," You were cut off.

"Do you ever honestly shut up about Millie?! It's always 'Oh, how's Millie' 'I can't tonight. I'm hanging with Millie!' 'I'm so worried about Millie!" Blitzø went on and you tried to interrupt. "Guys!" Apparently he didn't hear you or he didn't care because he continued, "And she's ALWAYS... FIVE FUCKIN' FEET away from you! It's pathetic!"

"Blitzø! Are you fucking done?!" You raised your voice.

"What could be so FUCKING important that you need to yell?!"

You glared at him, "Oh, I don't know, there's just gas filling up the room, no big deal though."

"Oh, okay- WAIT! WHAT?!" Blitzø yelled and looked down.

Moxxie spoke up, "Wait, what if that's some sort of truth serum? I mean what you said, sir, was oddly personal."

"Huh, you're right, but how can we make sure?" Blitzø questioned.

"Well, uh... Just ask me something specific I wouldn't normally tell you."

Blitzø ponders, "Okay. Uh... Does Millie ever peg you?"

You cock your head to the side and stare at the imp, "What kind of question-?"

"Sometimes-," Moxxie's eyes widen with realization of what he just said, "Wait! Eww! Fuck! Why that?!"

Blitzø laughed, "I knew it."

"Well, your suit is tacky!" Moxxie flinches in regret, "Fuck! I'm sorry..."

Blitzø gasps dramatically, "How fuckin' dare you! Youuu have shitty taste in music!" The imp immediately regrets his words, "Ah, I'm sorry!"

You watch their bickering while you eat non-existent popcorn.

"'Shit taste'?!" Moxxie tears up, " You said you liked that musical I recommended to you!"

"I lied! I left halfway through!"

"You... You said you loved it!"

This is gettin' pretty good.

"It was awful, Moxxie! It was about ugly, horny caaaaaats!" Blitzø says in tears. Moxxie cries hysterically. "Oh, God, Moxxie! I've said so many lies to you!"

Suddenly you get extremely light headed and everything starts to become extremely blurry and distorted. Blitzø and Moxxie's voices are drowned out as everything becomes discombobulating. Suddenly, an electric guitar starts to play you look around wondering where it's coming from, and then you realize you're no longer inside the interrogation room. What the fuck is going on? You look around, as you do you feel your clothes get heavier, you look down and find that you're wearing the work uniform you had as a human. You look up and see that you're in your old apartment.

A knock comes at the door, you go over to the door and open it. BF/N (Best friend's name) is at the door, "Hey, N/N (Nickname)! Can I come in?"

Tears well up in your eyes but you blink them away, "Y-yeah, sure!" You move out of the way and motion your hand for them to come inside.

They walk in and go straight to your couch, sitting down. "So, what did you need, BF/N?"

They sighed, "I-I I just need to get away from my boyfriend/girlfriend/enbyfriend. They got drunk again and... well..." They paused.

"They, what? You can tell me," You put your hand on their shoulder reassuringly.

They sighed and lifted up their shirt revealing a bruised side. Anger coursed through you, "You need to break up!"

They started to cry, "I've tried, Y/N! But they never listen! And they told me 'If you ever tell anyone, I'll make sure my friends find out and murder everyone you love.' So I came to you because I know you can do something about it! You've learned how this stuff works in school, while you were preparing to become an intelligence specialist."

"I'll see what I can do, but for now you'll have to act as if this conversation never happened, okay?"

They nodded, "I promise I won't tell a soul."

"Good, you can stay here for the night. I'll take the couch, you can have my bed," You offered.

"Thank you, but I don't mind taking the couch."

"Okay, goodnight."


While you walked to your bedroom it hit you, this was the night. The reason you went to Hell. The day you became a murderer. But you knew if you could do it again, you wouldn't change a thing.


You waited until you heard your friend's soft snore, and then you grabbed your gun, and you left. Walking towards where P/N (prick's name) was everything around you started to look like you were on hardcore acid. Everything swirled in multi-color, bloody arrows pointed to where you were headed. Originally when you did this you had tracked their phone's location, but this time the arrows showed you the way.

A winding river flowed in front of you. On the bank P/N stood there smoking a cigarette and holding a bottle of whiskey. You smirked as you aimed your gun at his leg and shot. They cried out in pain and fell over breaking the bottle and dropping the cigarette.

You walked over to them and then you continuously kicked them in the side, "How does it feel? You dirty little prick!"


You laughed maniacally, "Don't lie to me, I know your sins."

You crouched down and grabbed their hair and pulled their head up to face you. Their face was covered in glass from the bottle they dropped, "Are you in pain? Do you want me to end your sad little pathetic life?"

"No! Please! I'm sorry! I'll make whatever I did right!"

"I'm not stupid. But, maybe you should thank me. You'll be rotting in a place where you actually belong, Hell! You'll be able to burn eternally in the fires of judgement until you look like the grotesque thing you are. Oh, wait that might be an improvement for you, since you know, you look like a blob fish if it had extensive plastic surgery and leukemia." You stuck your gun in their mouth and they struggled, but you were too strong and they were too injured.

As soon as you shot him the blood that splattered all around turned into daisy's and his body was then lit on fire. You gagged at the sent of burning flesh, you tried to get away from P/N's corpse but something grabbed your leg. When you turned around you saw their charred hand around your calf. "Let's burn together, Y/N."

You struggled to kick their hand off but they had a death grip on your leg (Pun intended). Soon their body started to sink into the dirt below and eventually you were dragged along with. You struggled but to no avail, you shut your eyes tight hoping that it will be over soon, but when you opened them your hands were covered in blood and you were surrounded by the people you killed and helped kill.

"You're a murderer, Y/N," the corpses said together.

The words repeated in your head and the corpses grew closer. They all toppled over you knocking you down onto the ground, they began to stack on top of you until you were buried in corpses. You teared up as the weight of your sins crushed you (literally).

Please make it stop.

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for 1k reads! I hope you like Y/N's tragedy, well not really a tragedy, we'll just say sin. I honestly knew I was going to do something murdery for Y/N's past because that would be why they were sent to Hell in the first place. Why a murderer? I have no clue, I guess it's just more interesting than the other stuff. Anyways, hope you stick around! Adios!

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