A Break From Stupidity

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You breathed out a relieved sigh, after weeks of convincing Blitzø finally decided to let you take a break, since today he was taking Loona to get a shot, so there wasn't much to do today. However, you had big plans for today, since it was your first day off ever. Today you were going to the Lust ring and there you were going to go to... Drum roll please!... A ton of bars, to get so drunk you forget your name. You were jumping up and down from excitement, What a fantastic day!


You arrived at Lust and you already had your first bar pulled up on your phone. "Okay so it's this way," You turned to your right and followed your phone's directions. Concentrated on your phone you weren't paying attention to your surroundings, so inevitably, you bumped into a random demon, and fell as if things couldn't get any worse.

"I'm so sorry, I should've been paying attention," You apologize to the demon.

"It's fine," The demon replies, "Here let me help you up." The demon extends out their hand.

You take it, "Thank you."

Once you stand up you get a good look at the demon, or succubus, they had light pink skin, yellow sclera, pink irises, and black pupils, their hair was mostly a pastel pink except for one strand that was dyed rainbow, one of their horns was completely black while the other was tipped black but the rest was their light pink skin color, they had black wings, and their tail was tipped black. They wore a black crop-top that revealed most of their stomach area, short ripped blue jean shorts, a fishnet top was underneath their crop-top as well as thigh-high fishnets, they wore black boots, and they had black tinted sunglasses on top of their head.

"I'm Lin, nice to meet you," The succubus shakes your hand.

"Y/N, nice to meet you too," You reply.

"Hey! Whoa, you're a human! We'll I suppose that's not the right term now, but still, I thought only Hell-borns could travel across the rings."

"Well, fortunately one of the princes granted me the ability to travel across them."

"Sick! Hey, you wanna hang, today's my day off and I don't really have anything to do."

Your eyes lit up, "Of course! You know anything fun to do around here?"

They nodded, "Yep, come on let's get going then!"


"Ugh..." You groaned. "What the fuck happened?" You look around, and you're not in your apartment, "Where am I?!" You try to get up, but you're tied down. "Uh... Lin?! You there? Is this a prank, if so it's not funny!"

Laughter comes from behind you and sends shivers up your spine, "Chill, Y/N. You're fine."

"If I'm so fine, why am I restrained?"

"So you don't leave, duh. I thought that was obvious."

"I want to leave," You say angrily.

"And I want a million souls, but that's not going to happen. Actually I have something I need to get off of my chest, you know you were so easy to capture it was unreal, I honestly thought you'd see through the nice Succubus act, but I guess you're more stupid than I thought," Lin laughed. "Honestly, this was so easy it makes me believe you let this happen to yourself." Lin came up in front of you and bent down to your level, "Well, guess I'm gonna have to find a buyer for you, I'm sure you'll sell for a pretty penny."

"You're a trafficker?" You questioned.

"Yes, yes I am."

"You worthless piece of scum, you off-brand pink Hot Topic Barbie," You growled.

Lin stared at you, "The fuck is Hot Topic?"

Your mouth hung open, "You uncultured swine."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm gonna leave you here while I look for some buyers to bid for you." Lin exited the room.

"Dumbass," You mumbled. Since your hands were behind your back you were able to check your pockets, and you pulled out a butterfly knife that Millie gifted you, You're a fucking saint Millie. You spin the knife up to the rope and cut it, once your hands are free you bend down to your feet and cut them loose. Once you're free you get up and stretch your limbs, Did that sex-obsessed freak take any of my shit? You looked around the poorly lit room, but you didn't see anything of yours. Then you checked your pockets, everything was still on you. What an absolute ignoramus (idiot)

You went to the door that Lin exited and this demon had to be dumber than a rock, because it was left open. You shrugged and exited the space, only to enter an alleyway. Okay time to find that asshat. You walked out of the alley happily and as soon as you walked onto the public street you spotted Lin, Lucky me. You went over to them and passed them, while you also slit open their stomach. You put the knife away and hurried out of the area, all while smiling, extremely proud of yourself.


"Ah~. Home sweet home," You entered your apartment and immediately went to your bed. "Let's see, what's on TV," You grabbed the remote and turned the TV on lazily. The news was on.

"This just in Prince Stolas of the Goetia family is in critical condition, we're reporting to you live just outside of the hospital he is being treated in," The reporter informed.

"What the shit!" You quickly grabbed your phone and several missed calls and texts from both Millie and Moxxie were there. You called Millie.

"Hello?" Millie answered.

"What happened?! On the news it says Stolas is in critical condition," You asked worriedly.

"Stolas was hurt real bad, by Striker. Where were you? Me and Mox called you several times, you never picked up."

You put your fingers to the bridge of your nose, "Sorry, Mill. I got kidnapped by an off-brand Barbie."

"Oh, okay- wait a what now?"

"It doesn't matter right now. How's Blitzø holding up?"

"He's pretty upset, but that's about all, he'll be fine he's strong."

"You're right, thanks Mill, bye."


The one day I have my break. THE ONE GODDAMN DAY!

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