Millie's Interesting Family

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A/N: Okay so I know that demons that were once human can't go into the other rings except for pride, but don't worry I have a loophole, just keep in mind that it's not canon. Enjoy!

Ring Ring

"Ugh..." You groaned as your phone rang, you tossed over and turned it off, Who ever is calling me can wait.

You turned back over and stuffed your head back into the pillow.

Ring Ring Ring

"UGH!" You snatched your phone off of the charger and answered, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!"

"Hey, hey, chill," Blitzø's voice said defensively through the phone, "I just wanted to tell you we're going to Wrath in the morning so you'd better be prepared."

You put your fingers to your temples in annoyance, "Blitzø, I can't go to the FUCKING WRATH RING. If you forgot, I'm not and Imp like you, Moxxie, and Millie!"

"Yeah, I know. That's why I've got a little bit of a loophole for ya!"

"Hello! Y/N, was it? Well I have a spell that will let you go to any of the seven rings, whenever you want!" A familiar voice said, enthusiastically through the phone.

"STOLAS?! Blitzø, what are you doing with one of the rulers of Hell?!" You asked shocked.

You were greeted with silence, "...Uh, that's not important. But, aren't you excited?! You'll be able to go to the other rings!" Blitzø dodged the question.

You thought about it, and it would be kind of cool to be able to explore Hell more than you could, "Yeah, I guess its pretty exciting, can I go back to sleep now?"

"Nope! Head to the office and we'll be there to preform the spell, then we'll tell Millie and Moxxie," The imp hung up.

"Ugh..." You rolled out of bed and fell onto the floor, This is gonna be a long day.


You stared out of the window in the company van, admiring the western scenery. Sand surrounded most of the land, tumble weeds would pass through every so often, there were cacti, and most of what you saw was large empty space.

"Nice, huh?" Millie asked.

"Yeah, it's a change of scenery from the city," You replied.

"Did me and Mox ever tell ya that we were both raised in wrath?" Millie questioned.

"No, actually, what was it like?"

"Oh, it was fantastic! I loved to work the farm, of course I left 'cause I knew I couldn't do that my whole life."

You nodded still admiring the scene, then the van stopped, you turned and looked out the front window, two imps stood in front of the van. The male imp was large and had a white mustache, white hair, red skin with a few white tattoos covering his left arm, a red tail, and curved black and white horns and he wore a black sleeveless jacket, a faded red sleeveless top, and black jeans. The female imp had dark gray hair, red skin spotted with white, black and white stripped horns, and a red tail spotted with white, she wore a dark red bandana, a white and gray top, blue jeans, and black gloves.

Millie jumped up and ran out of the van, "Mama! Daddy!" She ran toward the two imps and hugged them.

The imp Millie referred to as 'daddy' picked up Millie and spun her around, "Yeeeeee-hawwwwww! How's my deadly little pumpkin spice doin'?" The large imp ruffled her hair affectionately.

Millie looked up at him in admiration, "I'm good, Pa! Thanks for lettin' us stay here for the harvest jamboree."

The female imp spoke up, "It's no trouble. We know you aren't makin' as much anymore since y'all went 'freelance'."

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