Chapter:8 Opening up

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Author's POV:

"Vi..Vikram" she mumbled under her breath which was getting heavy each passing moments.So,he's the Vikram,the CEO whom dad kept on praising,he was the one whom attended the party that night as the VIP guest ,and he was the one,whom I scolded...
Much to her relief he didn't even spare a single glance to her,sensing how she would feel if he looked at her.The meeting and procedure came to an end with a good note.Everyone started leaving.Vikram stood up immediately to leave from there only to to blocked by Mr.Naren who requested him and Varun for a cup of coffee in his office cafeteria.Like the last time he refused the offer saying he's got some important work to be done in his office knowing that Naren
would definitely call his daughter to join them.

"Sure sir,we'd join you in ten minutes,isn't it Vikram?"told Varun earning a secret death glare from his best friend.Naren left from there to the cafeteria after smiling at them to order something special for these fellows along with his princess.
"Im leaving now itself,you yourself go and have all the coffees and stuffs with him"
Vikram ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and started leaving ,pulling him by his arm Varun asked"Ishana ,is she the one you met that night?",sighing deeply he nodded.
"I feel like....."Vikram trailed off.
"By the how did you know that?"he asked Varun ,"coz both of you reacted in the same way seeing each other."Varun told him.
"Listen da ,stop it right there and don't repeat it, come home with me silently because you know I can't face her again and again."
"Pls Vicky for god sake come with me and trust me everything will fall in place if you tell her , what happened that day was unintentional,please da one last time for me." Vikram without any other choices left to the cafeteria along with Varun.

"Dad why did you order four coffees ?we only two people na?"asked Isha who left the meeting room first excusing herself in the pretext of calming her vigorously beating heart,heading to the washroom,after splashing some water on her face,she wondered whether she should apologise to him or let it be the way it is.After making up her mind she decided to apologise to him in person if she gets to meet him again.Somewhere deep inside her heart his painful look haunted her. Now she was sitting with her father in the VIP cafeteria where only her and her dad was sitting,
drinking her favourite strawberry milk shake with an adorably cute expression she questioned her dad.

Isha felt the burden was lifted off her shoulders once she decided to apologise to him,one day.Her strawberry milkshake stained her upper lips,making her look like a small baby.Unaware of it she kept on enjoying her drink.Even Naren also didn't notice the cute kitten beside him as he was checking his watch time to time.
That's when Vikram entered the cafe,as Varun was attending an important call and asked Vikram to go first ,not wanting Mr.Naren to wait for them more than needed.

He noticed that ,both the father and daughter were seated near a big table where the refreshments were placed,the were back facing him.Inhaling some confident to confront Isha;he stroded towards them and stood before Naren who smiled at him and asked about Varun, to which he replied back.Naren gestured him to have a seat before him.Isha left speechless because of his sudden arrival,but convincing herself she determined to talk.Till now both didn't dared to look at each other.

By the time Naren got a call,excusing himself he stood up to go.Vikram got alarmed as it was the right moment to talk to her,heaving a long sigh he looked up to meet her ,only to chuckle at her forgetting his worries for a moment.Frowning Isha tilted her head up to see him who was chuckling biting his lower lips to suppress his laughter.Many thing started running in her mind seeing his chuckle.She felt a nagging feeling drawing inside her.Sensing her vulnerable state he immediately muttered sorry,growing serious he started.

" Ms.Sharma what happened that night in your house was totally unintentional.I didn't do it on purpose,I never been used to such parties.But couldn't say no to your father.So,that's why I came to your home,otherwise I definitely wouldn't have.I felt suffocated as many of them kept on checking me out time to time unnecessarily even teen girls",he made a scrunching face at distaste thinking about that.So,I escaped from their sight excusing myself,and reached your balcony.I didn't feel like looking around but it was your bangles who made that sounds to make me turn around.Then,you know ... I really am sorry.Please forgive me for one last time." He apologised genuinely.

"I am really very sorry Mr.Vikram,please forgive me,I regret for how I hurt you that night.Extremely sorry .I never hurt anyone .But know the situation made me .. "he cut her off saying"I understand,anyone in your place would have reacted the same.So stop worrying."He assured her with a soft smile.But his smile widened again making her question him by lifting her head. Shaking his head he took out his phone opening the front camera he handed it to her to look at it.Once she did as per he said,her eyes widened in shock,she felt her cheeks heating up.She wanted the earth to open and swallow herself right at the moment.

Taking the serviette from the table with a lightning speed she wiped off the milk stain on her upper lip.She mentally slapped herself for being so careless, that too in front of him again.

"See.. it is always my mistake for being careless,sorry once again."She spoke in a feeble voice not meeting his chocolate orbs,which now held a spark.

Just then her father along with Varun accompanied them.Varun gave a knowing smile to Vikram,to Vikram winked in response,making Varun gasp,Naren asked Varun as if he was OK,to which Varun nodded in response looking at Vikram,who now glared at him to maintain some table manners.But the father-daughter duo didn't notice the childish act of these two culprits.

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