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"You...?Here..?"asked an astonished Vikram,looking at the person before him.There stood Preethi,squealing in excitement spotting her bhaiyya.

"Vikram bhai,what a coincidence.I didn't expect you,here.You didn't tell me na that,you are also coming?"asked an excited Preethi,side hugging him,who smiled and returned the hug.

"Then what about you idiot?did you inform me earlier? In case if you have told me this before I would definitely have dropped the idea.Guess why?All I wanted in a camping is a calm and pleasant atmosphere.But I ended up spending my time near a beehive, which kept on buzzing all the while,not letting me live in peace.How sad."saying this Vikram faked a sad expression,scrunching his nose with a pout as if showing a disappointed look.Preethi glared at him in response.Though the glare made him remember someone.

Oh god,how can I forget the campfire, where is she by the way?

thought Vikram remembering Isha.A part of him wanted her to be here.He felt slightly disappointed,not spotting her anywhere.

"By the way,are you coming alone?where is that sasquatch friend of yours?Can't spot her anywhere.It would be very helpful for us,if you bring that campfire along with you."asked Vikram hiding his disappointed state with a teasing nonchalant question.After making sure Isha was nowhere in his sight.

"Yh,you are right bhaiyya,I thought I could bring that fire along with me too,but.."she trailed off making him nervous purposely.

"But what?"

"What can I do if it came on its own?"

"Then where?"asked Vikram desperately.He didn't know why he's feeling overjoyed for an unknown reason.

"Just right behind you.."said Preethi casually eating her yogurt,as if it wasn't a big deal.Vikram's eyes widened hearing the reply.Biting his lips anticipating her glare,he turned around in a swift move to make sure whether she was saying the truth.

Much to his dismay there stood Isha,staring at him blankly,without any emotions,as if she's not going to show any reactions to his words.Vikram's eyes widened in shock and embarrassment,while his lips parted lightly gasping.He felt like smacking himself, for not sensing her presence all the while.

"Hey madam camp fire,thanks for coming into my life to illuminate it with your blazing flames."said Vikram trying to cover up his shocked state.But it again turned into another sarcasm.He bit his inner cheek unable to bite his tongue infront of her,once he realised the tongue slip.Isha who was listening to him all the while was burning inside.She had had enough,but still thought to shrug off.She lost her last bit control when he again said those words,and started to retort him by walking ahead.

She stumbled with a stone ahead and was about to fall, soon a protective arm caught her and held her safely snaking around her waist.She felt a shudder in her stomach.He may be too sensed her sudden shiver.Vikram made her stand straight while looking into her eyes.She stood there unable to avert her eyes from his.Soon they heard a clicking sound.

Both Vikram and Isha's eyes turned towards the direction where the sound came from.There stood Preethi clicking random pictures with Vikram's camera.Both sighed inwarldy feeling relieved that Preethi didn't click theirs. Little did they know that,she clicked both of them when they were lost in each others eyes and turned away as fast as she could before they catch her clicking them.

"This is what happens when you ever try to hurt or talk back Vikram.You always ended up hurting yourself."smirked Vikram trying to divert their tensed selves.Isha just nodded her head not wanting to talk to him further and started walking past him.Her behaviour seemed to confuse him.

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