Chapter 11: Meet

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Ishana's POV:
Opening my eyes I found myself on the cold tile floor only to realise that I was fainted some moment ago due to the unbearable shock of being insulted as I do remember my eyelids went heavy. Like the water rushing from a broken dam during the flood all the bitter words he used to address me came rushing,making me cry my heart out.'bad omen,ugly face' and what not?He disgusted me ,that too in a most painful way.

But the fault was mine.I shouldn't have overreacted yesterday in that way,he might be going through so much of pain but being him he didn't show it outside and simply left.Like he said I am a bad sign at least in his way or life,and I shouldn't interfere into other.All the time I met him were mere coincidence,but the very first time when I decided to confront him was just because of the blunder I made yesterday.Seems like he took it as I am invading his personal life.But it will never happen again.No one scolded me harshly till now.It's not because of my parents reputation but I never hurted anyone even an ant.

People with different mindset will come across our path knowingly or coincidentally,but except the good memories and good traits we shouldn't hold onto something they gave which will destroy our inner peace.Rwalising that nothing could undo anything even if I cry out or talking to my parents about it I choose to ignore it.

We all know that our happiness is more important than being hurt and holding a grudge.

Author's POV:
Chiding off all the thoughts Isha made herself busy with her duty and schedules .It would be more rejuvenating for her to forget all the chaos running in her mind if she kept herself immerse in work she felt.Every time she come across something which makes her remind him or his words"I forgive people who have wronged me &release all the resentments.I deserve to live at peace",saying so Isha convinced herself.
Even the season seems to be changed in Britain.Soon the winter season started to show up slowly.Cute snow flakes begun to cover the city with their tiny foggy fingers.Isha was super excited feeling the change of the season.Building tiny shelters with the snow ,making a huge number of snowmen,accompanying all the small kids who are living nearby her residence,throwing snowball ,despite being scolded by her mom for being immature,and eating buckets of ice creams in the middle of the night without her parents notice in the foggy atmosphere sitting on her balcony.These are the winter hobbies of our girl.

Every day once after her shifts was over she used to visit the library nearby her hospital promises.The library is the biggest one in the whole city of London.It held a unique yet calm aura which will make anyone fall for it's calm, charm and tranquility.

Glassy and woody entrance door with a small yet cozy green grass meadow in the front.If we enter inside the interior was painted in a soft lilac paint,all the furniture's and bookshelves were made out of Teak and Mahogany timber,numerous varieties of good books of all kinds,there's no shortage for any books,vision friendly high quality lightings for long time studying and reading,digital smart screens in the spine of every book shelves for immediate search of books and worthy informations,Classy yet cozy buffet and cafe with free of charge,free unlimited WiFi and uninterrupted internet services with a strict and discipline morals to follow during using the internet to avoid unwanted chaos.Even the administration used to conduct many quizz competitions with worthy rewards during winter holidays.Basically it was a true heaven for people with genuine intentions,including Isha.

She felt light hearted every time she comes here.Many times she has won the competitions,she even dreamt of building a dream come true library in her expences if she could,but Isha felt her dream full filled seeing this library,which worths more than crores she thought.

Sitting on a wooden cushion chair near a big wooden table,reading your favourite book under the cozy beams of lights,with your favourite desserts on the table and sipping freshly brewed coffee , glancing at the snowy atmosphere outside through the glass window with much needed privacy, is truly a heavenly feeling.

Isha was reading her favourite novel with utmost interest ,her hair strands were falling frequently,she kept on tucking them back, her eyes were moving right to left as if showing her interest in the book she was going through.She was wearing a teal cardigan on top of a white knee length top,pairing it with dark blue denim,and a red scarf wrapped around her swan like neck.Just then they library announced something which caught her attention saying,those who make some arts and creative crafts for the library environment within the next three hours will be rewarded with gifts and small cute gadgets by spinning the lucky wheel .

Isha's face lit up hearing it.Even the others also felt it nice.The management collected the informations of everyone present there.The library management even offered them all the required things as per their choice.Isha took a small framed white canvas,with some drawing tools and painted something within fifteen minutes,then she made some miniature resin crafts with tiny glass bottles,and at last she wrote something in cursive on another white canvas.Handing over her crafts she kept on waiting for the time to pass .One by one everyone presented their crafts.Once after announcing the time was over they asked everyone to spin the wheel.

It was Ishana whom they called first,nearing the mystery lucky wheel with her shaky hands she spinner it around once,biting her lips in anticipation she kept on waiting for the wheel to stop.Finally it stopped indicating something.They asked Isha to peel the sticker which was hiding the name of the gift.It read, stone studded jewels,bonsai flower plant,and a rose flower night lamp.Isha's face bloomed in happiness.She smiled in excitement.The staff along with the others clapped for her and wished.Followed by Isha everyone who spinner the wheel got something worthy.The staff requested them to wait for their boss,the person who owns the massive library.Them along with Isha were eagerly waiting for the person's arrival.

As expected their waits didn't go in vain.After half an hour a manly figure clad in professional, at the age of twenty eights entered the premises.The guards along with the staffs bowed at him ,to which he nodded slightly.He then walked towards the management team,they shook hands with him.He then turned smiling towards the people who was waiting for him.Congratulating all of them,he insisted the management to show him the winners list,the list was prepared by calculating the time lapse,and the winner would be the efficient one,who manage to do multiple crafts within the short span of time perfectly .So basically it was Ishana who won the first place.

He was presenting the gifts from tenth to first.By the time Isha kept on moving backwards among the crowd.Isha without anyone's aware reached the large corner bookshelf,and hid herself from everyone's hawk eyes.After offering the second person's gifts,his eyes gradually shifted upwards to read the
name of the person who won the first place.

All the time he didn't seems to noticed it.His body stiffened and breath hitched for a moment reading the name,

It read "Miss.Ishana Sharma".
Gulping hard he read it in a feeble voice in an attempt to keep himself composed.His longing eyes started to search for the person in the small crowd which felt like a burden to him right now.But to his disappointment he couldn't even get a single sight of her.Even the staff told him that she was here all the while,and wondered where she had gone suddenly.

The staff told him,"Vikram sir ,we are sorry on behalf of her.But the girl was right here all the while.Almost every day she visits our library,sir.She was very much excited like a kid all the while making her crafts.She even finished all these within one and half an hour,sir"saying so they showed him the drawing,and crafts she made.His long fingers gently took them and his lips curved a little caressing the drawing.Clearing his throat after coming back to the sense he ordered everyone to leave except the staffs.

Vikram was very well aware of Isha's presence around him.Not wanting to crate any chaos he cleared the crowd who left not before thanking him,he smiled in return.There's no possibilities for Isha to leave the library without passing him.So,the only option left for him to search for her around.He even asked the staffs to resume their work.After everyone left he rushed to the corner where she was standing,hoping that she'd be there .As expected,

There stood she.. covering her face with both her hands and muttering incoherent word while crying...

Hey peeps,sorry for the delay ,pls bear with all my descriptions above.Pls do vote and comment.

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