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Alexandra's POV

I was upset before and I came to the forest to get my mind off of things. Prince didn't have to talk to me about that. Dexter would kill him for mating with me just like Estevan. I understand he cares for me but it's not something to be dying for. Honey was losing it because she wasn't able to stop the mate bond. I was close to killing myself again and this time I had her and Prince to stop me. I knew I had people who cared for me. Too bad my mate bond will leave me alone for that. I would have been just as happy with living my life even in these awful circumstances.

I knew after all this time that I should go back home. Harmony is probably missing me. I knew she wasn't used to me being gone for a few hours even when it's feeding time. I had to be back before then too.I quickly stood up on my paws and I took off running back towards the house. My legs were taking me across the forest; it was like I was soaring above it all. The steps I took each pressed against the floor to send me off on my way back to the rogue pack house.

I was close to the opening of the city edge until I heard a howl. I knew that howl by heart. The rogue pack was in danger. "Go" said Honey as we pushed all our strength to get to the house. I prayed that they were only looking for me. The bottom of my feet were hurting with every pounding moment. It was hard to breathe and my legs were starting to hurt even more. I was running very fast out of fear. "Please just have them looking for me," I pleaded to myself.

Once I saw the house I saw the door opened. The worst was yet to come. I knew it in my bones. I took off even faster than what was in the doorway of our home. As I turned in that's when I saw blood. I gasped knowing that something bad happened here and they certainly weren't looking for me. I walked through the doorway and I saw a slightly older Dexter. I stood still in fear.

This was real and I couldn't move. I looked around the room to find all of them there. Abby was holding her bleeding arm as she was on her knees. I could smell the thick blood dripping from her scratched arm. There were deep claw marks that caused the cut. She must have been whimpering in pain. Her eyes were filled with tears. She was shaking in fear as well.

Two rogues had their arms around Alina and Brody. Archer was being pinned against the wall. Eddie did everything he tried but a rogue was stepping on his back. Zack tried to kill some other rogue who was holding Nana tightly in his grasp. Nathaniel even had his face pressed into the ground along with his body. "Run" said Prince as he tried to run at me to leave. I couldn't move and instead I watched as Dexter took out his claws and sliced him on the back.

The kids screamed in horror and everyone started crying. He fell to the floor lifelessly. Prince was in a pool of blood. He was dead just like Estevan. Tears were coming down my eyes. I looked at Dexter with sadness. "Now let's get this over with shall we" said Dexter as he grabbed Harmony. I watched as he hit my little girl in the ribs. He had hit her twice and she was screaming and crying. Her chest was starting to swell. I was over controlled by Honey.

She snapped and attacked Dexter. It wasn't enough because he dropped her. Abby caught her just in time.I knew Harmony was going to be safe in Abby's arms. All the rogues around my pack came after me to stop me from hurting Dexter. This was the moment when I knew this was my chance and everyone's to escape. I let Honey take control and everyone rushed to stop me. I wasn't even able to hit Dexter. He was stronger and he did everything he could to not hit me.

This angered Honey so much that she was attacking the other wolves beside her. We made sure that everyone was able to escape. Abby grabbed her kids along with Eddie. They both took off out of the house. Nana got on Zack's back when he shifted into a wolf. I watched as they escaped with Nathaniel and Archer. I knew they were out of the house safe.

They all shifted and howled once they were in the clearing. I grabbed Harmony to join them. I put her on my back as I took off towards the exit. My paws were close to Prince's dead body. It still hurt seeing him like that but I had to get us away from here. I couldn't have a friend love me or mate with me because Dexter would kill them no matter the cost. Just like I had said before.

I knew that the only way that they would be safe is if me and Honey ran away. We know that Dexter would do everything in his power to get me. Once the others knew I wasn't following them they howled from a distance. I looked back at them with tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry" I howled as I kept running further away from them. I couldn't have them follow me. I was a danger to my pack and my rogue friends. I was a danger to my own daughter. I had to run away again.

This was the only answer for me and Harmony. I knew she was still crying as I carried her. The whimpers that she was making made me run even faster. "You have nowhere to run Alexandra. You will be mine if you like it or not" yelled Dexter. All I knew was that he would have to catch me again. I won't ever be his if I had anything to do with it. If I have to run, so be it.

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