Running With Wolves

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Alexandra's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling great I shifted yesterday for the first time and now I get to shift when ever I want now. I know it is still going to hurt the next few times until I get used to it though.

Mind link.    " hey Alexandra you up"

"Yeah I am now, what's going on?" I asked through the mind link

"We are gonna go on a run and we were wondering if you wanted to come with us" said one of my best friends

That really does sound fun, "what do you say Honey want to go shift and run today as a wolf for the very first time" I told her. "Yes that sounds so much fun I want to go run now." Honey said to me. All I did was laugh at her silliness and all she did was wag her tail and bark at me to go and hurry up so that we could shift and start running.

"Ok I will meet you down stairs in a little bit" I told him this while I was getting ready. I even brought extra clothes with me to.

"Wait how do you know I'm down stairs?" Was all I could hear when I was putting my hair in a ponytail as fast as I can to hurry and start running.

"Hello I have alpha senses, I could hear you and the others talking right by the stairs and you're scent is still in the house." I said this in a duh tone with a smirk on my face because he already forgot.

"Oh yeah, I forgot sorry I.... wait you can smell me, do I stink" he said to me through the mind link.

I just laughed because that's the only thing he got out of the alpha senses, nothing important really.

"Yes you smell like dirty dog with cologne" that was all I could say before I heard him playfully growl at me, but he knew me to mess around like that a lot.

"Aww cute growl, I am meeting you right now so let's go Christian" I said to him.

"Yeah ok I see you and I don't have a cute growl" he told me this with a fake serious tone in his voice.

"Yeah sure whatever" was all I said and I cut the mind link between us and  finished going down the stairs once I got there the others and i walked outside into the forest.

Once we were outside my friends and I shifted behind some trees. It was really nice to be out and it kinda hurt less than the first time I shifted.

Me and my friends took off running and it felt so good to be free. I jumped off of logs and stumps and circled my way around trees. All I of us howled in the morning sky racing and running after each other.

It was one of the best times that I will always remember, even if we were running around like wild animals. I never wanted to stop even our howls sounded like we were crying for our freedom because we never wanted it to end. Since I was carrying my clothes in my mouth we ended up at a lake. We shifted back into our human selves and put clothes on.

Once we finished changing we all sat down on a log to talk.  Estevan was the first to speak out of the group and all he said was "how was it running with the wolves." All I could think was that it felt amazing.

I told them that it was amazing and all they did was laugh at my "cuteness" as they liked to call it.  Caleb was just making fun of how slow Christian was since Christian is his little brother. We all jumped in and started making fun of him anyway. We stopped when we saw Caleb sniff the air. We looked behind us when we heard a twig snap.

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