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Alexandra's POV

Yesterday was what I needed. I knew one way or another that I was going to see my family again if I liked it or not. I walked up to Kai today feeling stronger than I have before. I wasn't going to use his pack as soldiers. His pack will be rescuers. "Kai I need to tell you something" I said as he sat awake in his bed. He looked at me confused. I sat right beside him. His eyes were searching my face to see if anything was wrong. "I'm okay," I said, grabbing his hand.

"I need to tell you about who I am," I said in a shaky voice. This was not easy for me or Honey. I looked at him and took a deep breath. He sat up and pulled me in by my waist. He was slow but I sunk into his touch. He pulled me into the bed and covered me with blankets. I layed on my side as he kept around my stomach. We were spooning one another. I feel better about this now.

Kai laid his head on my shoulder. Sparks was the only thing my skin craved as we touched. "I used to be from a pack very far from here. I was going to be alpha female since I am the oldest sibling out of three. My moms's name is Jessica and my dad's name is Ezekial. I have a little sister and brother named Kayla and Isaiah. My wolf's name is Honey" I said as we laid still.

"A long time ago Dexter the alpha who is looking for me tried to rape me. He used to be in my pack until my dad scared him off. When he returned he was a deranged Alpha. He made everyone I knew scared. He wanted me to be his mate. Unfortunately I found my mate Estevan but he was taken away from me too soon" I said as he wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"I was pregnant and he was going to propose to me. The night he died I was ruined. The mate bond is secretly trying to reunite with my mate. I have been suicidal and not by choice. Many times my family would put me in wolf's bane chains. It was to stop me from harming myself" I said knowing that this was hard to swallow. Kai remained silent as he listened to me.

"When Dexter sent wolves to get me when Harmony was born I was forced to run. I left my pack and never returned. I became rogue and along the way I met friends. I was living with them for a while and things were calm. I didn't think Dexter would find me after so long. He attacked a friend who I found close to me. All he did was want to protect me and he died for me"I said sadly. Kai nuzzled against me knowing that I needed comfort from him.

"That day I saved everyone else but I grabbed Harmony and ran the other way. After running for so long we ended up running in and stealing your food" I said as I grabbed the blanket tightly to my body. I turned around so I was facing Kai. "That's how we are here now" I said as I looked at us cuddling in his bed. Kai looked at me but didn't mind how close we were. I loved the feeling of being back in someone's arms like this again. The sparks were forever beautiful in my eyes.

"I knew you were strong," said Kai as he kissed my shoulder lightly. His lips on my skin were smooth. It brought chills to my skin. His touch couldn't be more detailed and devine. "I am Alexandra" I said, telling him my name for the first time. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you" He said to me softly. His morning voice sounded very peaceful. I missed my mates touch but I would never let this feeling die inside me. "I want you," said Kai. I looked at his brown eyes.

I couldn't breathe. I felt his hand under my chin. "I will do anything for you," said Kai. I inched in closer. I felt his breath on my face. "I want you to but I need to see my family" I said as Kai searched my eyes. "Then it will be done. We will live when the time is right" Kai spoke gently. I smiled as I looked at him. "I want this life with him," said Honey happily.

I was too excited to hear her. I was so focused on what he said that I pulled him in for a kiss. I never forgot what this feeling feels like. I held onto it like I was going to lose it again. Kai kissed me back even stronger. We stayed like that until we were gasping for air. We pulled away slowly. I laid my head against the pillow. "Mark me" I said very quietly. Kai was shocked.

"Are you sure?" he asked me. "Yes," I said breathlessly. I tilted my head for him to get easy access. Kai showed his fangs and bit my neck. He was marking me. Once he pulled out he licked the cut close. I felt like bliss again. Estevan's mark when he passed away felt like a burn. This felt comfortable and warm. A feeling that was long needed for me to feel safe again.

The bond was almost complete. I didn't want to mate yet since I have only told him my name and life story. "I need to save my pack" I said feeling regenerated. "We will bring them all home," said Kai as he pulled me into his arms. "Don't worry mate, we will protect you" said Kol. I smiled at them both. I wasn't even happy crying at all. I was jumping with glee.

I was going to take back my pack. I was going to stop Dexter. I was going to do whatever it takes to bring back the life I once knew. This was my second chance and I am done having wolf tears. I was going to go back home and show Harmony the life I used to have. Everything in me knew I had to do this for everyone that I ever loved. I needed to face my fears.

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