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Alexandra's POV

I kept running and running for what seemed like hours. Harmony had stopped crying. I knew that before she would have attracted all the rogues around us. I had to pick up my past before but now I am too tired. I had to get food for me and my daughter. I was in a place that was not familiar. I mean no place was but this time it was even scarier. It was me and my daughter.

Before I had met kind people and had them as a family. This time it seemed like I was in the darkest part of the world. All I could smell was blood. Harmony was holding onto my fur as she rode on my back. I didn't want us to get comfortable in this place. Just then I smelled something. It was food. I heard all our stomachs growl. We never ate dinner. The sun was going down soon enough. It was a pack that was in the back of their yards. I knew that I would smell like myself.

I would be noticed with this rogue stench. Maybe this was the best decision I had so that we wouldn't starve. I shifted and I was naked. I found some clothes that were behind a tree. I thanked the wolf pack so much for being like other packs. I put the clothes on. Harmony looked at me with small eyes. "Hide" I said as I grabbed a thing of trees to cover whatever part I could see. I had her behind a bush. Her face was full of dirt but I saw the trails of her eyes.

I whipped her face with my thumb under her eyes. "I will be back here" I said as I took off towards the house. I quickly ran and dusted the clothes off since they were in the ground. I walked out to the house and opened the front door. It was opened. I walked in and went straight towards the kitchen. I was glad that the format was open. I was able to see everyone who was outside. I quickly locked the back doors so they wouldn't get in from there.

It was an easy escape route for me. I grabbed a huge bowl of macaroni salad and two steaks. My stomach was growing more than ever now. I just hoped that the pack wouldn't notice that I was here. I grabbed the food and took off towards the front door. I was in the front lawn when I heard two pack members talking to one another. I used my werewolf speed to get me out of sight. I quickly tried to hide before they could notice me behind the bushes.

"See you made us late, everyone started," said one female pack member. "I had to make a dessert," said the other female. "Not at the last minute" said the same one before. I knew the second female was going to say something but they stood still. That's when I heard a low growl. They wanted me to come out of my hiding place. It was threatening and I could tell they were waiting for me to get out of my tiny hiding spot. I quickly dropped the bowl of food.

I put my hands up and stood up so that they could see me before they called back up. I didn't have time to face a delta and a gamma. I thought that I could reason with them. They were both growling at me already. "I'm sorry. Please let me take this food" I said as I slowly saw their faces. They both had dyed hair but they were different from each other. "I have a daughter," I said with tears in my eyes. They both looked to me to see if I was lying. Please believe us, thought Honey. We both stood still but I watched as their eyes glossed over.

"Alpha, it's her, the one Dexter is looking for" said the gamma. I was in shock. I had no time to grab the food. I had to get my daughter. I quickly booked it out of the lawn and into the forest. I heard all the pack howls from behind me. I was running as fast as my legs could carry me. I was so tired. I couldn't do this for long. I was scared of what they would do if they caught me.

"Harmony" I yelled. I watched as she got out of her bush and ran to me. I quickly shifted and she climbed on my back. "Get back here" the female snarled as they were already in their wolf forms. I was so exhausted with what was going on. We would just have to eat food later. Since I have been running for so long it was practically burning to move my legs. It was like I was running them into the ground and they were too sore to be budging. I had to keep going.

I was making sure that Harmony was holding onto me tightly. She was laying against my back. I tried to nuzzle her to the side since I felt her slipping. I fixed her on my back before she could fall off. Since I wasn't paying attention I tripped on a small twig and I threw us into the ditch. Harmony was holding onto me tightly. She was safe from any harm. I was bruised on my side.

I looked above the ditch but I saw the whole pack surrounding us. I tried to push off the side of the ditch to stand up. My whole side and legs were hurting. I didn't have enough energy to fight them off. I stood on my legs feeling shaky. They were too weak to stand on. I was breathing heavily. Harmony tried to wrap her arms around me. She was holding me in fear.

Just as everyone made room for the alpha I felt the strong scent of cookies and vanilla. It smelled like a full bakery. "Mate" questioned Honey. I looked around thinking I was going insane. I knew the mate bond really well. I was mated to Estevan. I started to hyperventilate because maybe I was losing blood and dying. I tried to reason what was going on. Maybe the mate bond finally caught up to me. Just as the alpha stepped up to me I heard him say the words "mate."

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