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Caleb's POV

I was making fun of my little brother Christian because he was slow when he was trying to run after us when we were racing just a few minutes ago. But right now I'm just happy hanging out with my friends who are younger than me. I know I should find friends my age but they have mates to take care of. If they don't have their mate they are busy doing something but not me sadly.

I'm just going to tell you my age since what's the fun in guessing but if you got it right good job. Right now I am twenty one years old. You may be thinking it's not so bad that you're still young in a way but it still hurts seeing someone half your age be happy with someone by their side and I know for a fact I ain't the only one even if it feels that way.

Just then I felt something wrong so I sniffed the air to see what was there but before I could pinpoint it a twig snaps and I see everyone look that way. since I was the oldest and Alexandra wasn't a powerful alpha yet I had to go see who it was. I got up and I looked over the bush and saw Cain, Kayla, and Isaiah hidden behind the bushes in their human forms because they still aren't old enough to shift yet.

All I did was laugh because I knew they had hid their scents and they could have made it work except they didn't know how to do it very well. It also could have worked if they didn't step on that twig. I just told them "come on, you guys can hang out with us even though you haven't had your first shift. I don't think it's a good idea to make you guys go back early in the morning alone."

Cain, my other little brother just said "thank you and sorry for following you guys over here." I couldn't help but smile at his little baby face that he still kinda had. Alexandra just came over and her siblings went straight to her and asked if they could also stay. She let them since she did the same thing when she couldn't hang out with us because she hadn't shifted yet. I guess that just runs in their family and Cain is following in their footsteps.

The only difference was when Alexandra did this she actually scared us. I wouldn't want her to know that but she has alpha scenes which are way better than our heightened senses. She was cool about it and didn't tell anyone about us being scared of her.

That's when I noticed that Tony found Antonio in another bush beside the bush where they tried to hide. What day is it? It's not little siblings hiding in a bush so that you could hang out with us is it?

Once I finally sat down I knew that we were going to stay here for a few hours.  Since I am the beta I was happy I didn't have work to do. I just couldn't wait till all of us could play a game of  tag later.

Alexandra's POV 

When I saw my siblings I wasn't mad. I was wondering if they were gonna come or not. I made it a tradition. I do something bad and they follow behind me. Even though I never really did anything wrong or bad. Somehow they just do what I do. I'm ok with it as long as they don't get hurt.

(Many hours later)

Once the sun was going down we wanted to play tag. We have been out here for hours . We wanted to do that before we had to go to sleep because of school tomorrow. So we played for an hour before we headed home. Since the pups couldn't shift yet they rode on their backs. We could tell they were happy but I was still a pup so I just watched them when I was running along the side of them.

When you first shift you are kinda like a wolf pup but two times bigger. When you are sixteen years old your wolf is the size of a teenage wolf but again two times bigger. Then when you are seventeen you are the size of a young adult and then eighteen is when you are at full size and no matter what you're always two times bigger than a normal wolf.

That's some information on us.  Once I got inside the house I shifted and changed. Then I heard my dad talking to my mom about my future and my heart broke.

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