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Alexandra's POV

"Alexandra get back here" Yelled Kai before I blocked him. I knew he told everyone their job and was ready to run after me. I wasn't turning back. "Dexter I am here" I yelled to get him and everyone else out of the forest who was looking to take us down. They needed to chase me. I had to make sure everyone else was safe and able to make an escape. It was my chance.

"Dexter come and get me" I yelled even louder. I ran past the spot where me and Estevan lived. Honey growled as she thought about how Dexter ordered his pack to kill our mate and burn down our house. After all of that, me and Honey were angry. We needed revenge. All of this had to end. I have everything to lose but everyone else gains from this. I need to do this.

"I'm right here mate" said the voice I hated for so long. "I'm not your mate" I said as I turned to glare at him. I noticed his whole pack followed him here with me instead. "Your family can leave. I just needed you to be my Luna" said Dexter. I growled at him. Dexter just tried to walk closer to me. I snapped at him to give him a warning. I was already marked to my mate.

He walked closer to me and this time I was ready I jumped at Dexter. I was clawing at him and biting at him. He did everything to get me off of him. He was trying his best to not hurt me. I was doing everything to make him bleed. I just kept seeing blood once I bit off his ear. I kept seeing the images of Estevan. We were playing tag and I was running away and he caught me. He held me in his arms. The sparks I used to feel with just his touch. His eyes are so pure and bright.

The feeling for our lips to touch as he was just inches away. Now one lies dead in the ground well the other is alive and breathing. Yet one has moved on and the other never sees the light again. This was the worst way for soulmates to live. If I knew this was going to happen I would have held onto him longer, kissed him more and loved him harder. I should have done that.

Just like I should kill Dexter from what he stole from me. He kept my daughter from meeting her dad. She has no idea that she reminds me of him. No clue what his face looks like. She looks just like him. Harmony doesn't even know that. Her eyes are exactly like his. Their skin tone is the same. I have so much anger on how she couldn't have met him. Her very own dad.

Honey who has been fighting the mate bond the second Estevan took his last breath. Dexter put her through a never ending fight. She was a survivor. She did all the work well I ran. She is strong. I was weak, I was just so weak. Honey should have never had Lucas or Estevan taken away from her. Everything I was doing to kill Dexter made me go past my limits. I was not weak.

I was dangerous. I kept trying to rip him apart until I actually did. I stopped when I was ripping his last organ in my mouth. I dropped it once I woke up. It was like a dream of red. This was my full redemption. Blood was spitting out of my mouth. It was like a gush of his blood was the taste of victory. I looked down and not only gasped in horror but smiled in relief. My days of running were forever over. I ripped off his legs and paws and even his tail. His fur was inside out.

Just like his organs were on the outside. He had no eyes. The monster he claimed to be was now murdered by my hands. I had no remorse for him. He almost raped me, killed my mate, made me leave home, killed my friend and made me leave a rogue pack. This anger was unbearable. Once I let it all out it consumed me. I was all alone with a corpse that belonged to no other than Dexter the monster who had so much power over my life. It is now over.

"Answer me mate, please Alexandra where are you" yelled Kai. "mate" said Honey as if she just woken up from a nightmare. "Kai, I am here. I am safe. Listen for my howl" I told him as I let out the biggest howl I could. I claimed victory. Just in a few seconds Kai came running towards me. His wolf-like grin disappeared when he saw the blood. "It's not mine," I told him. He looked happy again once he saw Dexter laying dead on the ground looking like the worst road kill ever.

"There is all that anger" said Kai as he nuzzled beside me. His fur is now being stained from the blood that I had on myself. I took a deep breath as I felt the sparks. "Isn't it beautiful?" said Kai with the biggest smile on his face. "It is," I said as I tilted my head on his chest. "Come on, let's take you home," said Kai as I nodded my head. We both stood up on our paws.

We both tried to go behind some trees to dig up clothes. We both changed and came out of the tree line. "Lets party" I said with a sparkle in my eyes. "Is it okay if I meet your family as your mate?" Kai asked me. I know Kai doesn't have any family other than Amber and Kelsey. His pack is all he has. I have hardly seen my family or my pack. "Yes," I said, overjoyed.

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