Mother's Truth

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Alexandra's POV

After we agreed to forget about what happened at dinner I tried to mind link mom, because she never leaves without telling us where she is going.  I really am getting worried but I make sure I put them to bed even though they are both thirteen years old. I only did this because of the night we all had.

Once I made sure they were asleep, I linked her to let her know we needed to talk. A little bit later she replied and told me to meet her by the lake. I did try to get there as fast as I could. I saw her there and we sat there and talked in our wolf forms.

For some reason I know she was wanting to tell me something important but she hesitated. I spoke up and said "mom, what are you not telling me." I know I said this in my alpha voice but it didn't sound right anymore. She answered anyway, not caring that I spoke to her like that.

Alexandra's mom, Jessica's POV

Well I told her about what has been going on the last few months. It has been really bad. Pack alliances have been broken. A little bit before her birthday they threatened to take the pack but we formed an alliance with them to stop that. They came back telling us that we shouldn't have a female alpha so we had to listen. If it was my choice I would be killing those who say that females can't be alphas but I didn't want a war to happen so we agreed to what we thought was better for her.

They said we had two choices to pick.  1) we give the alpha title to Isaiah and not have a war or pick 2) she would have to marry a man as soon as she is eighteen, but we couldn't choose who she gets to marry.

I couldn't do that to her, I wanted her to find her mate and be happy. I don't want her to become some slave and hand over the pack to him. I didn't want either of those options but of course my mate had to call the shots on what to do. So we picked option number 1. Let Isaiah become the alpha of the pack.

I knew she trained all her life for this but I don't want to give her away to someone evil. On her birthday when everyone knew she had one year left before she could find her mate made me cry. I'm not a crying type of girl but it seems that it is all I have been doing.

I was sad because we took her future and everything she has worked hard for.  It was us that took her future and her mate away from her which I think would suck even more for her and everyone.

When we were in the office she only heard the last part of what we wanted her to hear. I know that sounds bad but it was the only way we could make her get mad and then make her try to forget about it.

So that's what we planned to do. We had to act as the evil parent and good parent. Since I was crying a lot over this Ezekiel made me a good parent. He made himself the bad parent since he could pull it off better. At dinner I had called her to come back because we had a plan that would only make her try to forget. So we did what we thought would work.

We knew Isaiah was too young so we knew that could buy us time in case anything happened. I knew she was really mad when Ezekiel tried to talk to her about giving up her alpha position. He was hurt that she really did believe that we wanted to do this to her. We had to make this look real so we're talking in the mind link so that we could go with our plan. I needed her alone to talk and I needed her to be my friend.

That's why I slammed my hand on the table to get her attention. I cried when I looked at my kids faces but I had to keep my pride up and it was just kicking in. I had to use most of my pride to keep up with the daring stare I gave my mate but we were both talking to each other so we counted to three and shifted and went for each other.

I knew she would get them out of the way first so I was already bowing down to him just as soon she turned around. I knew she could see the pride in my eyes. I looked at her, I gave her a sad face and took off. I told her the whole story of what is going on. She listened but we had to keep the act like we didn't tell her anything, she agreed at the end.

Alexandra's POV

I looked at my mom shocked. She just told me everything and the reason why they gave Isaiah the alpha title. I was just hurt that they had to tell me this. Now I have to agree with it and I still had to forget this also happened. I was still so shocked that I didn't even sleep that night.

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