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Alexandra's POV

Yesterday was a good day my brother found his mate. I found out that I was pregnant nothing seemed to mess up my day. "Estevan where are you" I asked him through the mind link.

"I went to pick up some stuff I will be there soon" he told me. "Ok see you later than, and we have a lunch with everyone once you get back" I told him. He told me "ok I love you see you in a little bit" than he cut off the mind link.

I was finishing getting ready for lunch when I heard Estevan come in to our bedroom. "Hey beautiful why is it that I have someone so amazing as you" he told me while cupping my face with his hands.

I laughed at him because, aww my heart I thought. He laughed knowing that I knew he had read my mind. "Get ready before we get there late" I told him trying to move his tall figure into the bathroom.

Once he got ready we drove to the place we were going to have lunch at. When we went into the place I could already tell we were late. Tessa smelled the air and pulled me into a hug. She grabbed my hand and made me sit right next to her.

My mother was smiling like crazy and so was Caleb's mother. I wondered what was going on so I sniffed the air and I could tell Tessa was pregnant she looked at me and said in the mind link "yes I am pregnant and it looks like I had my pup in a few weeks before you have had found out about your baby."

"That's amazing but I want to wait until I told people since I barely found out yesterday" I told her this and she nodded. A little bit later after we ate, Caleb and Tessa stood up. "We have a special announcement to make" said Caleb. "We are having a baby" said Tessa with a lot of an excitement.

Everyone cheered and clapped their hands congratulating them. Everyone seemed happy, my mother knew I wanted to wait and so she didn't say anything so it was perfect. We all went to the lake where we always go and we stayed there hanging out.

I was swimming in the water with my normal bathing suit on since my stomach wasn't getting big at all since I am like maybe one or two weeks pregnant. Estevan was chasing me as usual. Tessa and Julie were mad that I would always win them in any game we played. Alyssa excepted defeat after the first year of being in the group.

Lora, Barbara, Xander, and Ally were new to this but they got used to it really fast. Lora would try. Barbara wanted to believe she could out run me and Xander was stronger than me but not faster. Ally was helping Lora and herself run away from me.

The same would go for us, Kayla would try to murder someone. Antonio would try to trick Kayla. Cain would try to help trick Kayla to were she believed they were it and she would run right into the tagger. Isaiah joined them also trying to run faster so he could scar her.

Tony always wanted food. Estevan was trying to still get me of course. I was running from him a lot and I was winning the game. Caleb tried to help the girls but he failed when I was running after him. Christian was usually laughing and throwing people at the person who was the tagger so he wouldn't be it.

It was always like that, it never changed and I was happy about that. We were ok with being like this for the rest of are lives. Our parents went home because they had stuff to do like shopping and other stuff. So it was just us running around like all theses years knowing each other.

If I wanted I could replay this and never be bored of it. It was my heaven, like if I was going to die I wanted to be here with the people I love. I wouldn't change anything for the world for it to be different.

Tessa was swimming after me because she was it. That pulled me out of my thoughts really fast. "Come on let me get you once at least you can't win all these games". I heard Julie swim up behind me so I knew I was trapped, I was not going down without a fight.

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