Moving On

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Alexandra's POV

Yesterday after I found the note I have been trying to do stuff to keep my mind busy. Right now it's the fifth day until my birthday. I have been ok for the most part trying to get over what the note said.

I have been working just fine doing house wife stuff like taking care of my sister who has been hiding in her room this whole time. She stays in her room a lot working on school and stuff because her teachers love to give her homework.

Honestly it's been fun helping her do her work. Because before I would be just doing alpha work until this happened than I was working on beta paperwork that was less needed. I wanted to do something. If not I would be listening to my music in my room which I have done for about six hours.

Somehow I ended up here singing party in the USA by Miley Cyrus with my sister. That's how I am doing her work. The rest of the stuff I don't even know what happened to lead me here but I'm ok that's all that matters.

So I did this for one day but the fourth day I was getting worried like how is everybody doing and what else needed to be done.  I brushed it off once my mom and me went shopping for my birthday. She understood the same thing I was going through but she felt that moon tears would tell us something and start a war between us.

On the third day I had a movie marathon and watched tones of shows on Netflix which I loved all of them. I kept wanting to work and check if everyone was ok. I don't know I just had a feeling that something ain't right but I just can't tell what it is.

On the second day my dad let my friends have a free day so we went to hangout by the lake. We brought Tessa, Alyssa, Julie, and everyone else in our group. We all ran into the water since we didn't care. It was November and we just ran into cold water.

We already know that if we get in the water we have to shift into our wolf to keep us warm from the cold air. When we ran into the water we started a game of tag called sharks and minnows. We played that game for a while until we started throwing each other into the lake.

I was the only one that hadn't been thrown in and i'd like to keep it that way. Tessa said while swimming to me to "get in the water it's nice" I shook my head no, already telling that someone was going to play dirty. I looked behind me to find Caleb standing there smiling. He didn't move forward at all until I see Antonio run and grab me pulling me into the water with him.

I came up and started laughing and so did everyone else. I was having a fun day not trying to worry about anything. Julie hugged me and so did Alyssa until I felt all three of us being lifted up. Julie was yelling at Tony to not throw her. Alyssa was screaming at Christian to put her down. Estevan was laughing at them for being so scared well I just laughed. Than I felt them hug me tighter and I felt us fly for one second and we hit the water letting go of each other to reach the surface.

Once we reached the surface we saw Kayla and Isaiah laughing with Cain. I shook my head at them well Tessa tried to swim and laugh well Julie tried to kill Tony for throwing her after she screamed not to.

We stayed in the water swimming and laughing at each other. We even threw Cain, Isaiah, Kayla, and Antonio into the deep end. We pushed Tony, Caleb, Christian, and Estevan into the deep end after them. It was payback and we were all dying of laughter once they poked their heads out of the water looking shocked.

That's until I pushed Tessa, Julie, and Alyssa into the water, they popped up and they looked so hurt I started crying of laughter. Julie was screaming at me saying "really you betrayed us." She sounded a little hurt but I shrugged it off and walked back and forth while giving her a wink. When I did that Alyssa tried to swim towards her and she also yelled "we will get you back for betraying us." I laughed saying "sure you will I can't wait to see the day."

That's when Tessa yelled "are you going to get in or do we have to send someone up to get you to come down." That's when I said "ok I'm coming down" but first I screamed "I'm queen of the world" and I howled and jumped into the water once I came up everyone splashed me.

I just smiled knowing that they planned to do that when I came down. That's when we heard Tony's stomach growl. "Let's go eat we brought sandwiches" said Kayla happily. We laughed at her cuteness and ran to the basket we brought with the food. The guys put the blanket down so we could sit. Us girls got the food out well Cain, Antonio, Isaiah, Kayla just tried to move the other stuff on a rock nearby.

We brought chocolate chip cookies, hot chips, sandwiches, and drinks. We were having the most funniest time with all of them it was amazing to see us all smiling. That's until we all got cold from the breeze. We shifted into our wolf forms except Kayla and Isaiah since they couldn't shift yet. We cuddled up into a big circle around them so that they could stay warm since we had fur, we all started warming up.

Once we were all warmed up we wanted to play tag again but this time we played in our wolf forms. We had to let them run free for at least a little bit longer so that's what we did. when we played tag I lost to Estevan every time, he found me so fast and nobody else could find me but to him it was the easiest thing.

"look who is winning now out of the games we played" Tessa says with pride. While I just say "finally a good match I was getting tired of winning" with a little bit of laughter in my voice. "Are you sure because you are just trying to hide and not just run around like usual" Christian says behind me. That's when I see him trying to jump for me but I move out of the way just in time while he accidentally tags Tessa.

I start laughing because neither of them saw that coming. Since we were in our wolf form and they couldn't shift yet we let them have a head start so that it was fair. The sun was still up and we were all having a great day together and I was happy we had the time for this and that my dad let them come and hangout.

Once we started getting tired of running around we went to our spot by the lake again and grabbed our clothes to go shift and change. We did that very fast since we have been doing this fo a long time already.

We sat there watching the sun go down. Tessa and Caleb were kissing and so was Alyssa and Christian. Tony was eating cookies that Julie was hand feeding him. They seemed really happy but everyone else was like let's see who can get away from them the fastest.

Me, Kayla, Isaiah, Antonio, Cain, and Estevan ran behind the trees and looked at them. They didn't even noticed that we left them. Cain said"that's gross why can't they get a room". Kayla said "because there are no rooms out here" with a duh tone in her voice. Antonio just laughed while he said "she ain't lying" Cain just rolled his eyes. Isaiah was just waiting leaning on a tree to see what would happen.

Estevan was just looking at all of us in amusement. I was just looking at all of them like if they were all dorks. That's until I got a mind link that we should get back home because it was already night.

We told the others about the mind link. We went behind the trees and shifted. We put our clothes in our mouths with the other stuff we brought for the day. Kayla and Isaiah had to ride on Tessa's and Caleb's backs since they had less stuff and some of us had puppy bodies still.

I jumped over a log and I stopped, I was looking at a puddle of water. I looked into it and saw my eyes I looked kinda grey around my eyes. I was happy the last day was tomorrow than it would be my birthday.

Once we reached the house I went to bed after saying goodbye to everyone. I took a shower in the morning but I didn't really do anything other than say what color I wanted the table cloth to be. It was pretty calm nothing bad happened so I was happy and so was Honey.

Honey "why do we have to wait so long, I can't sleep I'm so happy" I nodded "I know me too" I said sounding excited. "imagine this time tomorrow we will hopefully find our mate" she said happily.

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