Alpha's Order

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Alexandra's POV

I was broken hearted from what my dad was telling my mom about my future. I was completely mad and sad. I took off into my room not wanting to see their faces. I could tell Honey wanted out bad because my eyes were glowing a brighter green color. They had never been like this before. So I took off out of the house and into the woods. I changed right out of my clothes and placed them behind a tree.

Once I went as far as my little pup legs could carry me I sat down and tried to get my thoughts together. I honestly couldn't, and for some reason I don't even remember my brother and sister walking into the house when I went to get changed. I wonder if they heard it too or they were nowhere around.

Hopefully they didn't hear it because it would affect them too. I only know it would hurt me the most since I trained my whole life for this and it gets taken away by one order. That was when I noticed Honey was pacing back and forth cussing every word my father spoke. I wasn't mad at her for doing that but honestly I wish she cussed him out more.

Just as I was thinking that my mom mind linked me. I really didn't want to answer her because I was still mad. It's bad if you get a werewolf mad because they growl and snap at you and I didn't want to do that to her because she tried to stick up for me.

So once I calmed myself down I answered but all I could hear from her side was her crying. "Mom are you okay, why are you crying." I said because I honestly get worried.

All I heard from her once she calmed down and stopped crying was "I'm so sorry, I tried to not make him do it but it was his choice. I'm really sorry I should've tried harder. We both know you heard but that was after he said that. Can you please come back home? I don't want you to leave and go rogue just over this." She tried to keep calm by telling me this but she cried at the end of her sentence.

I had to stop her before she actually starts freaking out and blames him for this.  I don't agree with him but it's his word that makes it law and he still is my dad. He never does anything without a good reason. So I told my mom that "I will be back in a little bit." I could tell she was relieved because I heard her sigh. Then I heard her say "ok see you in a little bit." After that I cut off the mind link and took off back to the house.

After I got to the house I went and put my clothes on really fast and went inside. Everyone was sitting in the dining room eating. I sat down trying to act as if I wasn't sad or mad earlier. I looked up and Kayla asked "where were you, I saw you run off." I was kinda surprised that she was the one to see me leave in this house, which is a mansion but I don't like to act like I have power or money.

I really couldn't tell her what happened before I ran off so I just said "Honey needed to take another run around the area." That was all I could think about at that moment. Well at least I got out of that one until my dad spoke and said "I have a very important thing to tell you guys." That was when it went down hill.

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