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"RUBY JANE!" Jennie's dad shouted at her because of her stubbornness

"I told you I will never break up with him! He is my life, Dad! Let me live my life!" Jennie shouted back making her dad taken aback as he didn't expect her daughter to talk back to her like that.

Ever since Jennie and Taehyung have been together, Jennie change completely from being a respectful and jolly girl to a woman who doesn't respect anyone anymore.

"Honey please calm down" his wife whispered to him as he rubs her husband's back.

Her dad is also aware of Jennie's relationship with an unknown transfer student, her parents are not against their relationship but her dad found something that makes him hate Jennie's boyfriend.

Taehyung family used all of Jennie's cards for their gambling addiction and the lifestyle that they can't afford and Jennie just let them do that, that makes her parents furious especially her dad.

They even grounded her and take all her cards but somehow Jennie took them back without them knowing.

Jennie is blinded by her love for Taehyung, and his parents use that to use Jennie's wealth and money to do whatever they want.

You don't have to be smart to notice that, but Jennie doesn't care about money, all she wants is to be with her boyfriend.

That's when her dad secretly meets up with Taehyung's parents to offer them a big check just to make them leave and take their son with them.

As expected they agree and take it but they didn't inform their son about it before going straight to a casino bar making them lose all the money that Mr.Kim gave them.

They signed a legitimate agreement and now they need to follow it if they don't want to go to Jail.

"What the hell did you just say?! There's no way I'm coming with you! I'll stay here Mom and I'm studying here!" Taehyung said with an angry tone.

"you need to come with us, do you want us to go to jail?!" his dad yelled at him

"what? Why? What did you do?" Taeh asked curiously making them look down to their feet.

"We took a big amount of cash from Jennie's dad, and we signed a contract that if we don't follow it. We will end up in Jail." his mom said almost whispering but Taeh heard it loud and clear.

"No! We're not going anywhere! Give back the money please, I love Jennie's mom I can't just leave her like that please" Taeh begged his parents almost kneeling down.

"The money is gone, we lose it all in the casino. When we were losing I kept on playing thinking that I can earn it back, but our luck is not on our side this time and we lose it all. We shouldn't take it and just use Jennie's card haist!" his dad whined as he explains it to his son.

After hearing it Taeh kneeled down completely as his knee became weaker and his hand are trembling.

Taeh's mind is lost and doesn't know what to do, he can't let his parents go to Jail but at the same time, he can't just leave Jennie like that.

His parents planning to move to the province the day after tomorrow, so he decided to meet up with Jennie and date her all day and break down the news later at night.


Jennie and Taeh are walking hand in hand while smiling at each other. Jennie is genuinely happy and didn't want to end the day.

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