Closure Of The Past; New Beginning?

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A/N: be careful what you wish for HAHAHAHA de joke.

Thanks for all the support I'll try to update every 3 days or 4 I'm really busy right now I'm sorry.

Sorry for the wrong grammar and misspellings.

Boring Chaoter ahead 👇


Jennie Pov

I arrive first and look around our place which I made it built for us to be together whenever we want to be alone.

This cabin has so much memories that we shared over the last few years, this is what I called my safe heaven before. Only I and him can enter this, but then Lisa happened.

This is where we had our first kiss, first hug, first fight and most of all this is where he claimed me completely.

Yes we're young and dumb, two horny teenagers who were madly in love to cause us to do that.

Did I regret it?

Of course not.

Because I loved him at that time and I'm willing to give him everything, I'm willing to leave my parents just for me. I'm willing to lose my wealth just to be with him.

But he can't do the same thing, which is broke me. He chooses to follow his parents even though they were the wrong ones, I know he doesn't want to leave me either but he just doesn't have a choice at that time, and I understand that.

I know he loved me, I felt it. But in just one event he leaves me for his family.

I promised him a good life, I fought for him and I did everything for him, the fact that I know his parents only using me for money... But I didn't say anything, I suck it all up. Just to be with him.

All I want him to do is to choose me too, all I want is to make me his priority as did to him, but he didn't.

We separated in such a rush situation that lead me to wait for him because I still need a proper explanation from him.

I know the reason yes, because of my father and his parents but what I didn't understand is why would he choose them.

They are nothing but a problem for him, they don't treat him well as I did to him, they starve him because of their addiction, and yet he chooses them.

I tried to understand him and come out with a situation in my head that maybe he was just scared that his parents will go to Jail because of him and stuff, but still... Why didn't he ask me for help? Why he didn't try to fight for me and see what will be the outcome?

I know my parents only want the best for me, but I know that as long as they saw him fighting for me and choosing me, I know they will accept him in the future. I know that, and I'm a hundred percent sure about that because all they want from me is to be happy. They don't care who was I with, coming from a wealthy family or from the poorest family living on earth as long as I'm happy they will accept it.

My father just did that to him because he knows his parents are using me and he just wants to test him if he's willing to leave them for me, but guess what... He didn't.

And even though I know the reason for my father's actions, I can't stop to hate him, because if he didn't test him maybe we're still together and happy, if he only helps him and talks to him nicely maybe I'm not in this situation that I hurt someone just because I can't let go of my past.

I hurt her.

I betrayed her.

All just because I'm still holding on to something that doesn't exist anymore, which is my love for him.

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