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tw: kidnapping

*present time*

me and bill are sitting in the hotel room on my bed which is of course near the window. georg left a few minutes ago and always gets super awkward around me. and bill thinks it's because he likes me. in fact that is what he's talking about right now. "y/n you can't deny it any longer! georg has a thing for you!" he whisper yells. "how come you always deny it!" he shakes his head smiling.

"maybe i don't want that to be true because i don't think of him that way." i raised my brows and smiled. bill dramatically gasped. "PLOT TWIST!" he shouts excitedly. "you like someone else." he pointed his finger in my face with a smirk. "who is it. you have to tell me." he sits up straight as i bring my knees to my chest. "no i do not!" i deny his accusations.

"don't lie to me. i'm your bestfriend, acting like i don't know you." he cocked a brow. i felt my face heat up. "no i do not!" i let myself fall onto my back, knees still up. "we aren't supposed to keep things like that from each other." he crossed his arms and gave me a joking dirty look. i laughed at him and sat up. "well i've had a thing for this guy for a little over a year now-" bill cut me off "WHAT!" his jaw dropped open.

"HOW HAVE YOU NOT TOLD ME THIS?!" his eyes widened. "i can't! you know the person. i'd hate myself forever if you knew." i put my hands to my face feeling guilty. "so it has to be someone we both know... and you don't know many people." bill said making me look up. "i only haven't told you because of who it is and now i feel like a middle schooler talking about crushes." i giggled. "well if we sound like middle schoolers so be it. i'm invested. WAIT!" he cut through his thoughts.

"IS IT? NOOOOOO- NO WAY" he laughed hysterically. he laughed for a while making me nervous that he was thinking right. "if i'm right about this i'll make fun of your forever." he said finally calming down. "is it my brother?" he smirked. my heart rate tripled out of no where and my face felt like it was in flames. "i'm right!" he smiled excitedly.

"you were scared to tell me about that for the wrong reason. i don't give two shits if you like him. but i will say you know how my brother has been. he has slept with alot of woman and you are so anti- people to have even lost your virginity." bill chuckles and i smile. "i just didn't think you would like the idea of me being interested in him. i thought it would cause a problem in our friendship and i value our friendship more then your dumbass brother." i giggled.

"he is pretty dumb. always has been. he's always been weird towards you though, like just mean for no reason." he shook his head. "i know i don't even get it. which is also why i don't get how i like him." i shook my head to myself. "who knows. he barely says anything to you and when he does it's always insulting. he's a jerk." bill rolled his eyes. "but i'm also excited about the idea of this." a sly smile formed on his face.

"think about it... we are really close, basically siblings. if you guys got together you would be my sister in law!" he said and started doing a lil dance. i laughed as he did so. "that's only if i got married to him." i said. "married, dating, not dating whateverrrrr. still your my sister." he smiled. "alright brother. well this is your last day of touring and you've got 2 hours before it's starts. better get dressed before the van gets here." after i said that bill stood up and sighed.

"show time!" he said in a sing-songy voice and rushed over to his suitcase, pulling out his outfit before rushing to the bathroom. i smiled to myself and went on my phone. after a little while of scrolling through tiktok there was a knock on the hotel door. i looked up groaning as i got off the bed. i walked to the door and before i could say anything the person on the other side said "it's tom." i opened the door and stepped to the side letting him walk in. he looked at me for a second before looking ahead and walking.

such a boujie ass hotel and they don't even have the peep hole for me to see who's there. such bullshit. once he was far enough in i closed the door. and followed him before returning to my spot on the bed. tom sat on bills bed, "where's bill?" he asked as i picked up my phone. "bathroom" i responded quickly and went back into tiktok. he didn't respond and looked over toward the bathroom waiting. once bill came out and walked over, tom stood up.

"the van is here we gotta go." tom said as he walked past his brother patting his shoulder as he did so. "ok one second." bill said grabbing his phone off the charger before following. "BYE Y/N! I SHALL RETURN!" he laughed. i smiled and said goodbye aswell before the door closed.

i turned my phone off and watched some tv. after a few hours i fell asleep. the sound of knocking woke me up and i sat up rubbing my face. "it's tom!" he yelled outside of the door. i walked over opening it and saw two men. "see i told you she would be here." one of them spoke. my eyes widened and before i could close the door they walked inside. one grabbed me and the other closed the door.

he forced me over to the bed and as i started screaming for him to let go he covered my mouth. my eyes shot wide open once again. my back hit roughly against the bed and the man straddled my lap keeping his hand over my mouth. i felt tears quickly fill my eyes. the other man came into my view and i looked between the two. i was so scared i physically felt it. before i knew it i was shaking.

"open the bag fucking idiot!" the man above me urged the other. the other man set a duffel bag beside me and opened it. he quickly pulled a roll of duct tape out and handed it to the man above me. my muffled cries were heard making them look at me again. the man pulled at the tape with his teeth before the other took it and ripped it off. he removed his hand but put the tape over my mouth.

he slid his hand over it to make sure it was secure and patted the side of my face with a smile. i took my hand and punched the guy above in the dick making him fall over, as i sat up to try and run the other one shoved me back to sit on the bed. he grabbed my hands and put them behind my back. the guy i punched was groaning and holding his crotch. i felt the duct tape wrap around my wrists.

"fucking bitch!" i heard the man groan in pain. after he recovered he stood infront of me. "you better hope they care about you. cause you'll get to live." he shoved me with his pointer finger. "and we will get our money." he smiled pulling his hand away from my chest. he knelt down and the other man handed him the tape which he used to restrain my ankles. i should've fucking kicked him in the face. as he stood up the door opened and in walked bill and the rest of the band.

my terrified eyes were met with bills shocked ones. tom reacted before my brain could fully process the situation unfolding. he lunged at the guy behind me and began repeatedly punching him in the face. i looked over at gustav and georg to see georg already on the phone with security. the other man went to go get bill but security barged inside tackling the man. this is when i realized i was hyperventilating but didn't care about that.

so much happening at once... the other ones pulled tom off, who i didn't realize was still going at it, before pulling the beaten man up. he was unconscious. tom pulled his attention to me and ripped the tape off of my mouth making me wince. "y/n? hey stay with me." i felt my eyes getting heavy. i was so panicked. his voice sounded fainter until he shook me. suddenly i was wide awake and not so drowsy.

tom looked in the duffel bag and grabbed a knife from it. he cut the tape off of my wrists first then my ankles. i looked up seeing security had cuffed the men and were walking out with them. i felt tom press against me and looked down at his shoulder. he was holding me tight, rubbing my back. i felt like i could breath properly again. i looked over and saw another security guard speaking to bill, georg, and gustav. i put my attention back to the hug.

my hands went up, holding tom close. it really happened so fast...

and this is the day that everything changed.

(a/n: ik it's only the second chapter, but we had to start here 😫 fuck them men they are stupid asf for thinking they was bouta get away with that 🤨 LIKE YOUR IN A HOTEL. A RLY FUCKING NICE ONE. U THOUGHT THAT WOULD WORK?! dumbasses.)

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