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*the next day*

i woke up to tom lightly snoring. i smiled to myself as i looked down at him. there was a knock at the door and a woman came in. "hello! just checking in." she smiled warmly. i returned the smile. "i'm feeling fine" i shrugged a bit. "can i ask you something quickly?" i continued. she nodded. "when do you think i'll be able to leave?" i questioned. "well, your doing a lot better so i think you'd be good to leave today." she nodded. "thank you" i smiled again. she left and as the door closed tom jumped awake. i looked at him as his eyes were squinted. "goodmorning sleepy head." i said.

"mmm." he groaned and readjusted himself. "tom guess who can go home today?" i said happily. toms head lifted and his eyes locked with mine. "i assume you?" he smirked. i nodded happily. tom smiled and played with his lip ring as his eyes roamed around my face. his lips went to mine as his body weight lifted off of me. he moved to my neck leaving slow, gentle kisses. "tom we are in the hospital you can't do that." i chuckled.


my eyes fluttered open. i heard the faint sound of a monitor beeping. i looked around and saw i was in the hospital. i furrowed my brows as i sat up. only bill sat in the room. i felt lost. "y/n!" he said with a shocked expression. i noticed my arm had a cast on. "bill..? what's going on..." i asked and looked at him. bill pulled a chair up next to the bed. "do you remember anything?" he asked looking between my eyes. "i remember taking a bunch of pills, and i woke up, me and tom got back together... and he stayed the night... i'm so confused bill what's happening?" i asked. bill looked worried. "well you definitely took a bunch of pills and had to get your stomach pumped but. the rest of that never happened. y/n, you've been in a coma for a week." bill explained.

i didn't know what to say. i just looked at him. bill sighed. "after you tried to kill yourself, tom found you in the bathroom and panicked. he tried bringing you to the er but he was so focused on you that he didn't see a car pulling out of the side road and it t-boned his car. right on your side." bill explained and i stared at him wide eyed. "the car flipped, you broke your arm and had a lot of cuts from the windows breaking. you ended up in a coma and they didn't know how long you would be in it for. i mean shit y/n. your lucky to be alive." bill said with saddened eyes.

"is tom ok?" i asked. "he's ok, his ankle got stuck when the car flipped so his ankle is broken. and he had cuts everywhere, he got one really bad one on his shoulder. but he didn't slip into a coma and his recovery is going really well." bill tried to smile in attempt to make me feel more at ease. unfortunately i was the opposite. i'm just shocked. "i'm happy you woke up y/n. you scared me. i can't lose you, your my best friend." he said sadly. "i'm sorry bill." i felt tears build in my eyes. i caused all of that. why am i so fucking stupid? "do not apologize. you were hurting y/n, i don't blame you and you shouldn't either." he said, rubbing my head gently.

* 1 week later *

bill stayed every night in the hospital with me and tom and me got to go home on the same day. bill drove us and tom was quiet the whole car ride. he sat in the backseat staring out the window. me and bill were the only ones conversing. when bill brought me and tom home he offered to stay to help us out until we fully recover. i accepted his company and he is staying in the guest bedroom. i have to be careful with my head and my cuts are almost all healed. once me and tom got upstairs to our room we laid on our sides of the bed staring at the ceiling.

it was late and bill had gone to bed. "tom?" i spoke to him for the first time in a while. his head turned and i copied his actions. he looked like he was dying. (IF I SAID HE WASNT HOT THEN ID BE LYING 😍) "how are you feeling?" i asked softly. "i'm feeling ok." he said looking me in the eyes with an unreadable expression. "bill told me you got a bad cut on your shoulder. has it been healing good?" i asked with concern. "yeah." he answered plainly. after that he just looked back at the ceiling. tension filled the air, and it was very uncomfortable.

i laid there for who knows how long trying to sleep but i just couldn't. i looked at tom again and laid on my side, being careful with my arm. "tom?" i whispered. "yeah?" he asked. "can i uh. can i lay closer to you?" i asked, scared of his response. "of course." he said. i smiled to myself and moved closer to him. i felt his arm wrap around me and pulling me to his chest. my head laid against his chest and i rested my arm on his stomach. "is this not hurting you?" i asked as i went to move. toms hand rested on my back as he pushed me back. "no, this shoulder isn't cut the other one is." he replied.

"just tell me if i'm hurting you ok?" i said. "same goes for you." he said. i smiled to myself as i took in the sudden comfort i felt now that me and tom were cuddled up. it made me feel safe. "hey." tom grabbed my attention. "what's up?" i asked. "i love you ok? i want to make sure you know. no matter what shit we go through together, that fact will never change. i don't want you to leave me." tom admitted in a soft tone. "i love you too tom."i smiled as i felt his lips press a gentle kiss to my head. "get rest. we both need it." i leaned my head up and kissed his neck.

(a/n: you didn't think it would be that easy did you? 😭)

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