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i woke up and laid there for a bit. the light beamed through the windows making me squint. i turned over to face tom who was now sprawled out. his arm was under my head. i laid my own head against his chest and snuggled up to him. "tommmm" i said shaking him. a smile spread across my face as he opened his eyes, just barely. he looked down at me.

"goodmorning y/n." he smiled. i reached over to the nightstand grabbing my phone and unlocking it. my mom texted me. "toms? since when do you and tom get along?" she sent. i swiped out of the messages and saw a message from bill aswell. "tom won't answer! ughhhh. are you still at his house 😉?" he texted me at 8:32 this morning. i checked the current time which read 12:08. i started texting bill back answering his question. he was quick to respond. "tell tom we are going out tonight to celebrate the tour! and your coming too!" he said.

i laughed and liked his message before setting my phone back down. i felt the bed move making me sit fully up and face tom again. he had something in his hand. i was about to question the item but he put it up to his lips holding what turned out to be a cigarette. i furrowed my brows. "since when do you smoke?" i asked. he lit the cigarette before taking a drag and looking at me. "since forever." the smoke came out of his mouth as he spoke.

he had his knees up and his arms were resting on each one. they laid lazily before he hit it again and pulled it out of his mouth. he blew the smoke out infront of him. "that shits horrible for you." i raised my brows. i've watched so many family members including my dad fall into cigarette addictions. (deadass tho, my gramma almost died this year. her lung collapsed. good thing she was at the hospital already 😍)

"so is weed." he said giving me the side eye and smirked. "eh- h- how did you know about that?" i said genuinely confused. "how didn't you know i smoked cigarettes." he raised a brow. "there's so many paparazzi pictures of me smoking these things." he said raising it back to his lips to hit it again. "i don't look at you paparazzi pictures." i said in a sassier tone. "now answer my question." i laughed. "bill is my brother. why wouldn't know?" i cocked a brow.

"fair point." i paused. "damn. bill really snitched on me about that." i chuckled. he put the cigarette towards me, offering it. i looked at it for a second, contemplating. i shook my head. "i'll stick to my weed." i smiled. he shrugged and took another hit. "oh by the way, we are going out tonight to celebrate your bands tour." i said remembering what bill texted me. "damn! usually we do it after a few days. why is he in a rush." he laughed.

i shrugged. "so back to this smoking thing. how have you not set off the smoke detector." i joked. he waved his fingers around as he pointed to the ceiling. "none in my room, just around the house." he answered. "at least your decently smart." i smiled to him. "i am the smartest!" he sounded a bit offended but smiled. "yeah... if you say sooo..." i hopped off the bed making my way to the bathroom. "i'm gonna get ready. and i'm stealing your clothes." i smiled.

"go for it!" he laughed. after we got ready, tom sat next to me on the bed. "you wanna stay over again?" he looked at me smiling. i smiled at him. "if you don't mind." i shrugged. "but i gotta get home so i can get clothes for tomorrow." i sighed. he smirked and took my hand pulling me out of his room with him. "where are we going" i giggled. "to get your shit!" he said as his grip on my hand got tighter.

we made our way to his car so i can get some stuff from my house. once we were there i kissed tom on the cheek before heading up to my moms house. once got inside i heard the kitchen faucet on, i made my way over. "hey mom, i'm staying at toms again i'm just here to grab some stuff." she scoffed and set whatever she was washing down before facing me.

my moms not the best, i always considered the fact she gave us a roof over our heads and food on our plates her way of showing affection. but besides that she's a crab ass ex-heroin addict who now smokes cigarettes aswell as chewing tobacco. she's very skinny since she struggles to hold food down and refuses to get help. she has no job and found herself a husband who can afford this nice place for them aswell as me and my brother. she gave me till i'm 20 to move out, woohoo!

i'm gonna be 20 in a couple months. so i've gotta figure something out before then. i'm in college online, and going on the tours with bills band has given me peace and quiet to focus on my schoolwork. "so you show up just to leave again?" she said with an eye roll. "i need help around here y/n! dave is always at work and your brother leaves the house enough!" she scolds me. "well, i'm an adult mom." i shrug uncomfortably.

she stayed quiet and gave me one of those dirty looks. she's got a collection of those. "great talk!" i smile before walking away. i get my stuff and stuff it in a backpack before walking to the front door. "bye!" i shout before walking out. i close the door behind me and sigh. "dave's always at work!" i quietly mock her, now i'm annoyed. i walk back to toms car and get it setting my backpack on the floor. "how'd it go?" he looked over at me before grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers.

"it went good" i smiled enthusiastically. im not ready to tell him all my family shit. bill knows about almost all of it and swore to me he'd never tell another soul. and he definitely didn't cause not even tom knows. tom leaned over and gave me a quick kiss before he began to drive. we drove to bills house and hung out there for a couple hours before we all left and met up at a club with gustav and georg.

i exhaled anxiously as we arrived. how does the paparazzi already know the band was coming? tom held my hand and squeezed it a bit, making my attention go to him. he gave me a reassuring smile before he grabbed a pair of sunglasses and slid them on himself. "i bet i look so cool right now." he wiggled his brows and laughed. i laughed along with him and he opens the door. we all slide out and i was gonna let go of his hand, because i figured it would be too soon for tom to show the media that we are together.

yes the media knows about me, but they don't really pay much attention to me because of my rare appearance in public. to them i'm just some girl in a photo with bill, or walking with the band. but toms grip got tighter on my hand as he pulled me along with him out of the car. bill climbed out after me and thanked the driver before shutting the door. i stayed at toms side feeling confused, last time he had an official girlfriend they were together for months before he let the media see.

i kept a calm appearance as we walked towards the entrance. well shit. i'm wearing his clothes too. camera flashes come from all around us and there was chatter from every direction. some talking to each other and most trying to talk to tom and bill. i look up at tom to see he's got his chin tilted up slightly as he looks ahead. i look down at the floor as we enter the club.

(a/n: tom wants us fr fr. 🙏 smut in the next chapter...? YOU BET ‼️‼️)

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