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*2 months later*

me and tom got back together after all that shit went down. but tom developed a drinking problem. it seemed more harmless at first, once in a while he'd go to the bar. but before i knew it i came home daily to our fridge full of beer. and tom constantly drunk at home. i got a job a month ago, i work in a guitar shop until i feel mentally ready to go on with my dream of making guitars and selling them.

i get out of the car locking it as i make my way to the front door, i get inside and take my shoes off. "y/n..?" i heard a soft voice. i look up seeing tom, a bottle of vodka in hand. i sigh. "tom did you drink all of that?" i said not even surprised. half the bottle was gone. more then half actually. "wha.. no. no no. i don't drink mom." he spoke as his body leaned against the doorframe. "who drank then? the toothfairy? because i'm not your mother tom." i sighed more saddened then angry. "i don't drink. drinks..." he slurred. "tom let's get you to bed it's late." i weakly smiled as i approached his figure. i gently took the vodka out of his hand and set it on the floor. his arm quickly rested on my shoulder for support.

his body wieght was on me and this 6'1 man is heavy. i helped him up the stairs and got him into bed. "i'll be back ok?" i said softly as i lifted the blanket over him. "y/n?" he looked confused. "your not my mommzzz..." he slurred as his eyes squeezed shut "nope, it's me y/n. have you eaten today tom?" i asked. he nodded. "ok. when?" suddenly tom gagged as he leaned over the bed. "i don't feel good... no good." he spoke in almost a whisper. i quickly grabbed the small trash in our room handing it to tom. "if you feel sick puke in this ok? i'm gonna get you something to eat and drink. got it?" i asked as i rubbed his arm gently. he nodded weakly and his face was a bit pale.

"ok, i'll be back." i smiled reassuringly. i walked downstairs and made him some soup and got him a big bottle of cold water. i came back upstairs to tom in the same position. i sent the bowl on the nightstand aswell as the water, toms face went closer to the trash as he began to puke. i sat next to him and held his braids back. "it's ok..." i rubbed his back with my free hand. he stopped before puking once more. i gave him a moment before he looked at me. "feel any better?" i asked softly. he nodded. ok i'll put a new bag in incase you feel sick again... sound good?" i asked. "y- yeah." tom replied quietly. i threw the old bag away and grabbed a fresh one. "ok eat your soup and drink your water." i smiled to him as he sat against the headboard.

he picked up his bowl surprisingly being careful and set it in his lap. i stayed with him while he ate his food and reminded him to drink water too. once he finished i grabbed the bowl. "i'll be back im just gonna wash this." i said. i walked downstairs taking a deep breath as i began washing the dish. he's supposed to be going to the studio in a week to work on more music. i can't keep treating him like a baby. this sobriety is starting asap. i finished washing the dishes and walked over to the fridge. i started grabbing all the alcohol and took it to the basement. we never go down there so. might as well. case by case, i walked up and down those stairs for what felt like forever. hiding the alcohol under the stairs and putting a blanket over the it. a black one at that. this is the best i got right now.

goal? out of sight, out of mind. i headed back upstairs to the bedroom feeling successful. i mean i can't stop him from going out and buying more... or can i? well. we shall see how this plays out. i opened the door closing it behind me to see tom laying down and struggling to sleep. his eyes were tired and heavy. "you doing ok?" i asked. tom nodded. i sent him a smile before going to my side of the bed. i climbed in and turned the light off. "you think the tv will help you sleep?" i asked gently as i laid on my side. toms head turned to me. "no. it's ok i'm good." i said goodnight before turning away. "you think we.... could cuddle?" he said decently clear. i turned over and wrapped my arm around him. "of course." i smiled to myself.

i held him close to me and kissed his neck. "get some sleep ok?" i whispered. he hummed in response. as i laid there i felt his hand slide over mine and his fingers locked with mine. he slowly pulled my hand to his chest. "i'm sorry y/n..." he slurred a bit. "it's ok, we will figure this out tom." i replied. little does he know i've already began figuring it out for him. our fridge feels like a fridge now. i heard toms soft snoring and smiled to myself. he's lucky i love him.

if i didn't, i would never put up with this bullshit. but tom and me have been through a lot together. i mean we haven't even gotten to talk about alot from our families and childhood. the most i know is the pool incident but that happened to bill. i never knew how tom felt about it though, i'm sure he was pissed and probably felt terrible for bill. but that's for another time, soon i drifted off to sleep.


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