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*the next day*

i look around my room as i laid on my back. i woke up a few minutes ago at like 9 something. i heard my phone buzz and i turned my head. i looked at it for a second with tired eyes. i grabbed it and unlocked it. tom messaged me. i smiled at the thought. i opened the message. 'goodmorning :) what are you up too today?' he wrote. i quickly texted back. 'goodmorninggg just schoolwork but besides that nothing.' i sent back. my phone started to ring making me sit up.

toms calling me? i answered putting the phone to my ear. "Y/N!" he shouted excitedly. i laughed before responding. "timmy tom!" i said pretending to be shocked. "do not call me that." he said jokingly. but ik he probably rly doesn't like it much. "fine!" i laughed once more. "tom," i corrected. "ok. so i'm thinking. we go out to dinner." he said sounding happy. "didn't we already have a celebration for the tour-" he cut my confusion short. "just me and you." he said.

i smiled and felt my heart rate increase. "are you asking me... on a date? tom kaulitz." i raised my brows with a smirk. "unless the FAMOUS y/n is too busy to go on a date with a simple town guy such as myself...i get it, your so famous i couldn't mess up your schedule." he said dramatically. finishing with an extra dramatic sigh. "shut the fuck up." i laughed and he did aswell. "of course i'll go on a date with you." i said making me smile grow. my face felt warmer and my stomach was filled with butterflies doing some heavy fucking gymnastics.

cause i felt so excited rn. "good, i'll pick you up at like 5? cause the drives about like 45-50 minutes." he spoke. "damn where the fuck are you taking me." i said. "you'll see! i cannot tell you yet." he chuckled. "fine fine. i'll see you then." i spoke softly. "ok good! i couldn't handle getting rejected by the MOST FAMOUS PERSON in the world! my reputation in town would be RUINE-" i cut him off. "TOM STOP!" i laughed. i heard him laugh before he spoke again. "ok ok i love you babe i'll see you later." he said happily.

"i love you too bye" i smiled to myself as i hung up the phone. now i'm hyped for the day. i'll start on schoolwork soon. but for now. i'm putting the rest of my shit away. i started playing music at a kinda lower volume just so i don't make anyone in the house upset. once i was almost done, someone knocked on my door. i looked up before saying "come in." the door opened and my brother walked in. he looked exaughsted. "sam? how you feeling?" i asked referring to his drunken state last night. "i'm doing ok just hungover but not too bad surprisingly. i still can remember some stuff so." he shrugged.

"i wanted to say thank you. for the water and bringing me upstairs. you shouldn't have to deal with that. i'm the older brother it make more sense for me to take care of you." he looked at me with a kinda saddened look on his face. "listen, i don't mind helping you at all. but i know you've been drinking a lot and partying and who knows what else. it's not good. your 23 now... do you have a job?" i asked genuinely concerned. "i know i know... i've gotta get my shit together. i mean your in college and i don't want to stop living in my teen years. if i keep this shit up i'll end up like mom" he paused. when he said that i looked down. "but i don't want to end up like her. i really do want to do better. but i'm gonna get my shit together." he said more confidently.

it was quiet for a moment before i looked at him. "well i believe in you, i know your capable. you've always been smart your just going through stuff right now. and im here if you need help or anything ok?" i smiled to him. he returned the smile. "thank you. i'm gonna do better this time." he hugged me and i hugged him back. once we pulled away we said our goodbyes and he went back to his room. he's hungover so he needs some rest.

*7 hours later*

i have already done my school work and now i'm getting ready for dinner. i looked at the time. 4:56. shit toms gonna be here soon. i finished my hair quickly and got up putting my shoes on. i grabbed my phone and it buzzed. 'here' tom texted me. i put my phone in the pocket of my jeans and walked out of my room. once i got downstairs my mom was standing at the window looking outside before looking to me. "who's here?" she asked and approached me. "tom." i answered. "why is tom here?" she asked with an attitude.

"we are going out to eat. i'll be back after." i responded. "what are you fucking him of something?" she gave me a disgusted look and crossed her arms. "he's my boyfriend... so we are going on a date." i nodded and tucked my lips in. she rolled her eyes. "we're gonna talk about this when you get back." she said sternly before walking away. i furrowed my brows before opening the door and leaving. i walked to toms car and opened the door getting in. i put my seatbelt on and tom greeted me.

"hey babe." he smiled and leaned in, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. i sent him a smile. "hi tom." i said happily. he looked at me for a moment before he started driving. "so i will assume you have seen the news?" i asked him. "yeah i have," he paused looking over at me. "they are desperately trying to identify my 'mystery girl'. they are doing deep dives on social media right now." he shook his head laughing. "news channels work so funny. the way they make everything so dramatic, ALL THE TIME. they make themselves sound ridiculous." he shook his head smile remaining.

i laughed. "yeah they go crazy if you breath differently" i chuckled. we talked and listened to music the rest of the car ride. once we arrived and got inside i looked around. it was so pretty in here. everything was so fancy... tom held my hand as we walked to our table. the waiter gave us our menus. after we ordered and go our food we began eating. "how did it go at your moms?" tom said before taking a bite. i looked at him and smile. "it went good my brother was a little drunk last night so i had to help him to bed. but this morning we had a good talk, i think he's finally realizing his bad habits are gonna vite him in the ass." i laughed a little.

i took a bite of my food and tom looked at me. "is he an alcoholic or something?" he furrowed his brows. "yeah. im pretty sure he was using needles too. i've seen the marks on his arms. but they weren't new so i guess that's a good sign." i shrugged to myself before grabbing my drink. "damn... i'm sorry y/n." he had a serious look on his face. "don't be, shit happens. my brothers mental health is just... bad. he tries to numb everything bad in his life. i'm just happy he's willing to try and have a future." i smiled. "but i do have a question." i looked him in the eyes curiously. "shoot." he said with a smile. "why did bill tell you about my mom?" i asked, but not in a rude way.

"well i asked bill if there was anything i should know about with your home life." he shrugged. "he didn't get into details or anything. he just told me your mom wasn't the best and your stepdad was weird. he said you and your mom argue a lot, or more like her yelling while you just kinda dryly respond?" he cocked a brow before diving back into his food. "was he not supposed to tell me?" he put his fist to his mouth while he chewed. "well no, but it's not a big deal." i smiled. "but if you want to know anything just come to me next time ok?" i tilted my head a bit.

"i can do that." he smiled back. "now let me have a bite!" he whisper shouted as he leaned over the table attacking my food with his fork. "tom!" i whispered, before laughing. he had a smug look on his face as he ate the big ass bite and returned to his regular position. "you bitch!" i laughed. i grabbed his plate and brought it towards me as i picked at his food. "hey! only i'm allowed to do that!" he said dramatically and pulled the plate away, but not in time for me to get a bite. i ate it and smiled at him the whole time. "wow." he shook hos head jokingly. "cant have anything!" he said before we both started laughing.

(a/n: timmy tom ‼️)

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