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Nats pov:

Somehow Nhu managed to convince Zee to finish his breakfast and I'm glad my energy didn't go to waste.

Nhu was such a badass but sometimes he was too much of a badass.

Like the day he insulted the boss on the second day of work..Twice.

I'm really crossing my fingers their plan will go well and Nhu won't end up ruining it.

I better be ready though..I may have to go pick him up if something does go wrong which I hope won't be the case.

I love my best friend but going to work without having to drag him out of the bed was therapeutic.

I didn't have to rush by worrying about being late since they were both gone.

Speaking of the devil..I got a text from him almost immediately.

"I wasn't happy about you being gone,''I replied in defence.

"I didn't ask anything about that Nat did you actually read my message?but now that you've mentioned it I know that's exactly what you were thinking..I thought we were friends,''

"Ohoo Nhu I love you to death too..can't I just celebrate not having to drag you and remind you to do everything?''

"Fair enough..anyway back to my question,''

I scrolled back and actually read the text this time.

"Max likes you...do you like him back?please answer,''

It was just about time before he knew.

"I don't know,''I replied.

"You have to talk to him about it and tell him how you really FEEL!''

"Don't you think it's too soon?''


"Fine I got it no need to write in Caps also that's not the right saying to use in this situation,''

"Oh shut up..have a good day Nat love you,''

"Take care Nhu,''

Nunew's pov:

"Why do you two always talk like a newly wed couple?''asked Zee.

"I thought I told you to stop prying,''I said closing my phone.

"Well eyes don't have curtains or blinders,''

"They do..and they're called eyelids,''I replied turning up the music.

"If I close my eyes how am I supposed to drive then?''

"Since you're able to peek at my phone while driving then you can most definitely drive with your eyes closed,''

"You didn't answer me,''

"Getting married to Nat isn't such a bad idea I would definitely go with it,''

"But he has Max now,''

"Not yet,''

"You're unbelievable,''

"Why?you jealous?''

He didn't answer so I assumed he ignored it.

He pulled up on the vicinity of his house.
His parents sat on the front yard.
I felt extremely nervous for some reason and I did a bad job at hiding it.

I jolted when I felt hands linking with mine.

"Calm down Nhu,''he said rubbing circles on my palm.

I looked over at him and saw that smile again.

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