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Zees pov:

I couldn't imagine what he was going through.

I wasn't exactly close with most of my relatives for such reasons.

Even though they were grown ups they were either spoilt brats or extremely religious.

My aunt..well let's just say she was a bit of both(mostly spoilt).

I saw him excuse himself and rush to the bathroom.

I couldn't resist the urge to get up and follow him.

"Where are you going dear?won't you spend more time with us we've missed you,''
She forced a smile which did a bad job at hiding her venomous nature.

Relatives are the absolute worst (well not all of them)but most of them can't survive without annoying you to the brink of insanity.

"I'm going to check up on my date,''I replied trying to keep my cool.

"Are you really going to choose that lowlife over spending time with your lovely aunt?''

Ok now she has my attention..she wanted a fight I'll give her war..even though we weren't on the best terms with Nunew she didn't have a right to speak to him or about him that way..he didn't do anything to deserve this infact he was on his best behaviour tonight.

"Listen...do not go there and don't think that you can speak about my life however you want just because you are older than me..you should learn basic human decency..you walk around sashaying like a very elegant and refined woman but you're the complete opposite...now if you would excuse me I need to go find my date,''

She looked shocked and I liked that I had swept that smug look off her face.

I looked over at my uncle expecting him to frown at me but he just smiled trying to hold back his laugh.

Another reason why him and his family were my favourite.

"What is all this fuss about?''mum asked carrying the snacks to the dining table.

"I'll be back,''I said rushing to the bathroom.

I slowly walked in and found him splashing water on his face.

"You ok Nhu?''I asked holding his arm.

He squirmed out of my grip.

"Why did you follow me?''he asked finally looking at me.

"I just wanted to see if yo-''

"You know what? forget it let's just go back,''he cut me short while walking away.

I rushed to the door blocking his path.

"Nhu..are you ok?''I asked again in a softer tone.

"Why do you care?''

He seemed angry..I couldn't blame him though..I would be too.

"What makes you think I don't care?..wait were you crying?''

I saw his eyes clearly and they had turned red and puffy.

"No something just got into my eye,''he said trying to avoid eye contact."I heard you standing up for me back there..thanks,''


We sat on the bathroom floor talking for what seemed like an hour or so.

"I guess my ego was kinda hurt,''he said smiling.

"So you came in here to cry,''I teased."The Nunew I know actually cried today,''

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