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Nunew's pov:

"Hey dinner's ready,''I said smiling.

I can't believe it..he was cuter than I thought.

As I opened the door..his back was turned to the door and he was engrossed in whatever was on his computer.

"Zee?hello are you listening?mum said I should inform you,''


"Hey are you listening?''

I snatched the headphones from him and he finally looked at me..he didn't look happy about earlier though.

"When did we ever start Sharing a mother?''he asked looking at me sternly.

"She told me I could call her mum so I figured-''

"We are not actually dating and not engaged so I suggest you stop doing more than is expected of you,''

"Dully noted,''I replied.

He was right..I was in no position to call her that so I was going to stick to my lane.

"I just came here to call you over for dinner since your mother sent me..if you're done you can come down,''

I turned to leave but he grabbed my hand.

"Zee let me go,''

"You were so happy making fun of me earlier on we'rent you?''

"Don't act as if you didn't make fun of me too and let go of my hand,''I replied trying to squirm out of his grip but he only tightened his hold.

"You better keep your mouth shut about it,''

My wrists turned red and I felt tears stinging my eyes.

"Let me go it fucking hurts,''

"You have to answer me first,''

I felt lightheaded and if he continued like this I was most definitely going to pass out.

He finally let go of my hand and my wrist was all bruised.

"Keep your insecurities to yourself..if you dare touch me like that again I won't be responsible for what I'll do,''

"You'll do nothing,''

"I was starting to see you in a different light but you know what Zee Pruk Panich?you're actually a jerk and I hate you,''I said and stormed out of the room.

"Yeah?well I'm not so ecstatic about you either!''


"Oh dear what happened to your hand honey?''asked his mother.

"Nothing I just had an accident when I was running upstairs,''

"Be more careful ok? come on I'll apply some ointment,''

"It's ok ma'am I'll be fine..I'll treat it by myself,''

"I told you to call me mum stop being so subtle,''she said and I just replied with a smile.

I could feel Zee staring at me.

What's with him anyway? can't he just focus on his meal?

After finishing dinner I helped clear off the table and wash the dishes.

"Dear you don't have to wash them.. Nancy will come clean up tomorrow,''

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