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Zee's pov:

I have been waiting for almost an hour and I was getting worried.

I decided to go check if he needed some help with anything.

"What are you sti-''

He was engaged in a conversation with Ezra and he seemed to be struggling on a way out.

I approached them and stood beside Nunew wrapping my hand around him.

"P'Zee I was just heading out,''

I wasn't convinced but I nodded regardless.

We all know he wasn't going to get out of that situation any sooner because he didn't know(or maybe he was afraid) how to stand his ground.

"Mr Maverick,''

"Mr Pruk,''

We were staring each other down.

"P'Zee..we should leave,''Nunew said pulling on my coat.

"Not yet,''


They both looked at me in awe.

"Ezra.. we've been friends for a very long time,''I started.

"Zee don-''

I raised my hand.

"Nhu let me finish,''

"Yes.. approximately 5 years,''Ezra replied raising his brow at me.

"You do know that Mr Chawarin and I are in a relationship,''

He didn't seem fazed which meant that he was well aware of it but still chose to flirt with him.

Nunew pulled me to the side.

"Zee what are you doing?''

"Nhu..listen to me..he isn't going to quit bothering you unless you tell him directly and clearly..if you don't stand your ground nothing will change..you should learn how to do that Nhu..you shouldn't agree to everything just because you feel like you're obliged to do so,''

I was genuinely worried about him..I didn't want anyone to take advantage of his kindness..and I would do anything in my power to protect him.

"I know what you're thinking P'Zee..I don't need to be protected I am an adult,''he said frowning.

"Ohoo calm down Nhu.. ofcourse I know that(although I still don't know how he read my mind)..I'm just saying you should stand your ground more,''

"Are you saying that I'm easy?''

"Oii Nhu! Stop putting words in my mouth..you know what I'm talking about baby..just go do it..and be firm this time.. straight to the point,''I nodded pushing him gently.

He was still glaring at me but a blush appeared across his cheeks.

"Who's your baby?''he asked still glaring at me.

"I love you too Nhu,''i replied and kissed him softly trying really hard not to laugh.

His cheeks turned a darker shade of pink and he turned and headed towards Ezra.

I chuckled as I watched him go."I forgot how hot headed he can be when he likes someone,''

Thinking of it..he's usually really kind to everyone except me..but I didn't mind though..atleast I was given special treatment (tough love).

Nunew's pov:

Zee's words kept replaying in my head.

"...you should stand your ground,''

Thinking of it..he was absolutely right..I never really gave Ezra a firm rejection and that motivated him to keep going.

"Oh..Nunew you're back..where's Zee?''Ezra asked looking around.

I took a breath and replied.

"He went back to the car..speaking of cars..he's waiting for me so I have to hurry this up,''I replied keeping my composure.

"Oh..so..you've thought about my offer?''he asked stepping forward.

I stepped backward in return and held out my hand to stop him.

"Mr Maverick..we aren't friends at all..you're Zee's friend but not mine so I suggest we keep the formalities,''

"But Nun- ''he started but stopped as he turned to find me glaring.

"I mean Mr Chawarin..there's no problem with that..I'll have more time to get familiar with you anyway,''

"Mr Maverick you don't understand...''

I was done being fazed by his comments..I was going to put an end to this once and for all.

"I don't ever want anything to do with you..I'm not attracted to you and I never will be,''

Seems like I sort of hurt his ego.

"Why?is it because of Zee?''

"Yes it's because of him..it's always because of him,''

"What could he probably have that I don't?''

He was towering over me.

This time I didn't step back..I stepped forward maintaining the eye contact.

"Mr Maverick..not to be rude but you're nothing like him..you wouldn't be him even if you tried your level best..he's just too good ..he's my standard and I love him more than I ever will even think of loving you..so I would prefer if you got the fuck out of my dick and just let me live my life...''

He gasped at my sudden use of vulgar language but I didn't plan to stop.

I was now jabbing my pointer finger on his chest.

I didn't care if he was rich or had title anymore..he was disrespecting my privacy and I wasn't going to sit back and watch.

"...stop trying to ruin things between us..I'm going to quit and after that don't pursue me again..I'm taken,''

He was still shocked so I turned to left.

"Thank you for the opportunity to work here Mr Maverick,''

"Damn how can someone switch languages so fast?..and how is he so scary?,''Ezra whispered to himself, rubbing his chest as he watched the younger man leave.

Zee's pov:

He approached the car smiling widely and I knew he had done it.

He opened the door and slid in the passenger seat.

"You should've seen me out there!I was such a badass!''

"You're talking as if you just trolled a whole mob of haters,''

"Shut up..don't kill my accomplishment vibe,''he said still smiling widely.

He really was gorgeous..many would assume he's really cute and quiet due to his features but that's until they get used to him.

For me..I adored all sides of him..and I loved him for who he was.

I pressed my lips to his and he returned the kiss sliding his hands into my hair.

I pulled back and rested my hand on his knee.

"Ready to go on that date?''

He nodded in reply.



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