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Nunew's pov:

"We've been walking for half an hour..are you sure you're not leading me to a slaughterhouse?''

I was nervous..I wasn't used to being blindfolded.

His silence wasn't helping too.

"We're here,''

I heard his voice from behind.

"Ready?''he asked.

"I was ready since half an hour ago,''


"Ok ok fine..I'm ready,''

He took off the blindfold and even before I could look around I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug.

"I...can't..breathe,''I managed to say.

Sorrows and prayers for my ribs if this hug dragged on.

"WE MISSED YOU NHUU!''James,Yim and Nat said as they formed a cocoon around me.

"Oii! You won't have anything to miss if you kill me first,''I said and they pulled away smiling sheepishly.

"I guess we got a bit too carried away but we really did miss you..you didn't even stay in touch!''James said and Yim nodded in reply.

They're right..I could've atleast told them what happened.

"I can't relate since I was staying with him all along,''Nat said feeling proud of himself.

James and Yim rolled their eyes at him."showoff''

"You're right..I'm really sorry I kept you guys in the dark..but now I'm here aren't I?''

"Did you guys plan this?''I asked as I looked around.

There were picnic mats laid around us and the location was also amazing.

The dim candle lights made the view even more admirable.

It reminded me of the date we had back at Zee's hometown.

"No it was all Zee..he didn't even allow us to help,''Nat replied and we all turned to look at them.

They all noticed us and waved us over.

"When did you guys become so close anyway?the last time I was in the office everyone was terrified of him,''

"A lot happened when you were away Nhu..I'll fill you in on everything later..come on we have to eat and watch the fireworks later,''Yim said pulling me after him.

"Wait what fireworks?''

"Ohoo...don't ask so many questions just wait and watch,''

"Can I join you guys?''Zee asked as he approached us.

Nat sat with Max and James,Yim and I were catching up on the lost time we were apart.

"Erm..we have uh some things to do.. we'll see you later Nhu,''they said and got up quickly.

"Wait-''I couldn't finish my statement before they rushed away.

*Traitors*I thought to myself.

Zee settled beside me with his hand behind his back.

"What are you hiding behind there?''I asked trying to peek.

"This,''he said and pulled out a flower sliding it in my hair."gorgeous ''

My face slightly reddened as he stroked my cheeks with his fingers.

"Why do you like giving me flowers so much?''I asked.

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