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Nunew's pov:

Going to the movies with the  CEO who is known for his cold and strict nature.

I don't know what I was getting myself into when I agreed to this in the first place.

I crossed my fingers not to meet with one of his obsessive "fans'' as they call themselves.

"Do you want popcorn?''he asked.

"I'll take anything,''

"What type of movies do you like?''

After the last conversation we had things were.. let's say more awkward.

It was better when I hated him..I didn't overthink about how to act or have a conversation with him.

"Did you have to dress so formally?''I asked taking in his three piece suit and sleek-back hair.

"What do you mean?this is how I normally dress''he replied unfazed.

"You're no different from a celebrity attending a met gala..I don't get why you have to be so extra,''

"If you have a problem with my outfit that much why didn't you pick it out for me?''

"I did but you completely ignored the outfit I picked out,''

"Wait..you picked an outfit?why don't I remember,''

"It was right in the bed P'Zee''

"Wait..those sleezy shorts and oversize shirt?there was absolutely no way I was going to put that on,''

"I don't blame you..you're fashion sense is truly a bit..how can I put this..aged,''

"You do realise I have a Louis Vuitton suit on right?''

"You have your way with designer suits but that's all,''

"I don't know if I should take this as a compliment or an insult,''

"Lucky for you..you have me to save you from first hand embarrassment when dressing casually,''

"Lucky indeed,''he replied and I caught onto the sarcasm on his tone.

We quieted down when we finally got to our seats.

The seats were almost empty but it made sense since it was a work day and most kids were at school.

"Do you love marvel movies?''I asked looking up at him.

"I would've preferred singing in the rain by Gene Kelly but I guess a bit of adventure won't do me harm,''

"What exactly is that?''

"It's a show based back in 1952,''

"You seriously lost me at 19..you're so vintage,''I replied enthralled by the new side of him I figured out.

Judging from the father he has.. ofcourse he grew up liking the vintage  lifestyle.

"Yeah yeah I get it I'm an ancestor.. enough about me..which marvel movie do you like the most?''

"I'm kind of indecisive but Avengers really won me over..with Tony stark as Iron man and Tom Holland as Spiderman..great duo,''

He just nodded in reply shifting his gaze to the big screen.

He was really attentive throughout the movie.

When the emotional parts came he slid his hand through mine softly brushing his thumb over my fingers.

It felt like we really were on a date..I couldn't tell if it was a genuine date or not but this side of him..it was sure to leave a huge effect on me.

It wasn't hate at first..it was annoyance..I couldn't bring myself to hate him after all he went through.

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