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"Hey Nunew..wake up we're here,''

I didn't remember falling asleep and how long it took for us to get home.

"Thank you sir..I'll see you tomorrow,''

I thanked him while trying to push the handle of the door.

"It won't budge,''I said being careful not to pull too hard.

"Here..I'll help,''

He leaned towards the door on my side his face just a few inches from mine.

I know I was sleepy and all but you can't actually convince me that I couldn't open a car door.

He definitely did this on purpose (so original).

"See you tomorrow Nunew,''he said face still lingering in front of mine.

I crossed my fingers hoping he wouldn't turn his face because our lips would definitely touch.

He stayed for a while and  drew back.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and hurriedly scurried away from the car.

I was met by Nats curious gaze from the stairway.

"Why are you looking at me like that?''

He stared past me where Ezra was leaving the compound and grabbed my hand pulling me after him.

"Ohoo Nat slow down..I'm tired,''

I was trying to go slowly but his pace forced me to catch up.

Once we finally got to the house he locked the door behind him.

"What the hell is going on Nunew?''he asked squinting his eyes curiously at me.

"What do you mean what's going on? nothing,''I replied earning an annoyed scoff.

"Do you think I was blind?I saw that little car-handle scheme earlier..I know it's none of my business but what's your deal with CEO bosses?''

I told him everything and  he just stared at me in awe.

"You mean he just told you directly..but you two just met today?''

"He waited for some time since morning but yes..he did say it and he also said that there was no changing his mind on this,''

"Oho Nhu seems like he really likes you,''Nat said excitedly but I couldn't share the excitement.

"Ahh..I see the problem..I know you're going through a tough patch right now and I can't advise you on what to do Nhu..you'll have to make the decision yourself,''he said resting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"He was terrible to me Nat..why can't I just forget about him?''

I was frustrated.

"It doesn't work like that Nhu.. remember he was also nice to you on some instances,''

"Yeah..I would definitely not forget that,''

I blushed reminiscing about our last day together and all the laughs we shared.

"Damn Nhu..you really really love him don't you?''

I nodded somberly.

"Then why do you keep pushing him away every chance you get?''

"Nat..as much as I'm in love I can still use my brain,''

"Ok "thinker''..just take a stand because if you keep this up you might actually never see him again,''

I remembered his look yesterday when I left with Ezra instead.

There was a hint of sadness in his eyes but his expression remained neutral.

"I'm pretty sure he's already tired of me..he didn't seem so pleased this evening,''

"Are you ok with that fact?''

"Well it's his life..he chooses how to live it,''I replied knowing damn well that I would be sad and disappointed.

The doorbell rung and we both looked at each other before grabbing bats and opening the door slowly.

"Special delivery for Mr Chawarin..if you could jus-ahhhh,''the man stopped mid-sentence and jumped raising his hands in surrender.

"Oh right,''I said dropping the bat and signing the paper.

I caught on the last name of the sender.

Panich..just when I thought he was done with me.

It was a huge bouquet with a letter hiden poorly in the flowers.

"I apologize Nhu..I won't show up next time without informing you..I'll text you so you don't have to worry about transport anymore,''

Love Zee.

Nat read the letter over and over again teasing me with the slightest bit of information.

"This sounds like something from a princess movie,''he said tucking back the letter in the flowers.

"You don't have to compare every romantic gesture to movies Nat,''I said and he shrugged his shoulders in response.

There was no saving him from that stage.

"Aren't you going to text him back?''

Nat picked the flowers putting them in a vase.

"I blocked his number..no..I'm too lazy to do it,''

"Too lazy or too nervous to?''

"Oh shut up..I'll go take a shower,''

"Be careful not to turn into a frog in the process..I have to run all across town to get Zee,''

I just shook my head and went to the bedroom to grab my robe.

I know earlier on I denied that I wasn't going to text him back or used lame excuses like "I'm too lazy''..but I found myself doing it anyway.

"Thank you for the flowers and Letter,''

It didn't take even a minute to get a reply.

"You're welcome Nhu..did you like the tulips?you like them a lot right?..I remember you telling me they were your favourite''

He surely has turned into a puppy.

Ofcourse he knew some of the things I hated and loved.

I didn't know how to reply so I just stared at the three dots as he texted me back again.

"Don't forget what I said..I'll pick you up tomorrow morning,''

"But I didn't agree to it,''

"Ok then I'll let you decide,''

After a moment of comfortable silence.

"Fine,''I replied.

The real reason behind it was because I could save my money for things other than transport.(lies)

"If you were going to agree..why did you have to argue first?''he asked.

"It's one of my traits,''

The silence was getting awkward so I decided to just wish him a goodnight but he beat me to it.

"See you tomorrow Nhu,''

"Yeah ..see you tomorrow,''

Authors note:

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