Kirishima x Reader

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For all my girlies who can relate to this right now :( <3


No one's POV (3rd person)

You groaned as you very reluctantly got out of bed. In was moments like these when you hated being a girl. You went to the girl's bathroom down the hall and used some of the supplies there, before taking a few pain killers and heading to class.

"Hey, Y/N! How are you?" asked your bestie, Mina, popping up out of nowhere and blinding you with her radiant smile.

"Dying." you replied.

"Oh, is it that time of the month?" she said sympathetically. You nodded and the two of you started talking about random things on your way to class.

Mr Aizawa's lesson was boring as always. He droned on and on but half way through you had to go change your pad/tampon. You reached into your bag and slipped one up your sleeve. You raised your other hand.

"L/N? Do you have a question?"

"Can I use the bathroom?"

"There's ten minutes left of class, just hold it."

"Sir, I can't hold it." you tried to give him a meaningful look.

"Then you should have gone before class."

You mentally facepalmed this man's stupidity. There was only one thing left to do:

"Ok, but you're washing the blood out of my skirt."

You crossed your arms as the girls looked at you with proud smiles, the boys looked uncomfortable or confused (Denki), and realization dawned on Mr Aizawa's face.

"Fine, you can go to the bathroom."

You stood up and left the still silent room. Were you embarrassed about what you had just said? Maybe. Did you regret it? Hell no.

You returned to the classroom a few minutes later and sat down like nothing had happened. Aizawa continued his lesson and, before long, class was dismissed.

"Y/N!" you looked up to see Mina standing infront of your desk "I can't believe you said that to Mr Aizawa!!! That was so brave of you!"

"Thanks" you smiled sheepishly "I just hope he let's us girls use the bathroom when we need to now."

"Yeah, that was amazing, Y/N!" said Uraraka from the seat to your left.

"What did you mean by 'you'll be washing the blood out of my skirt'?" asked Kaminari, the poor confused, clueless boy.

"I, uh, was... about to have a nosebleed... ?" you told him.

"Oh. Ok!" he left to go ask Bakugo for the notes he forgot to take and you sighed in relief.

"He really is stupid." said Mina, looking amazed.

"Yeah." you laughed.


You and Mina were walking back to the dorms together. The pain killers had worn off and your cramps were getting worse. You didn't let it show on your face, but all you could think about was curling up under the covers of your bed with a hot water bottle and a bar of dark chocolate.

You went to the bathroom to get more supplies but saw that there were none left. You went back to your dorm room to check, but there were none there either. You groaned miserably at the thought of going to the store right now. Instead, you took out your phone and texted Mina.

Hey could you maybe go to the store
And get some stuff for me?

Rly sorry but I'm busy right now

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