Kirishima x reader (with braces)

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In the beginning of this oneshot, reader will be insecure about her smile. But all of you lovely people with braces are beautiful, so just ignore reader's self doubt, ok?❤️❤️❤️


Your POV:

I woke up early on a Wednesday morning and got ready for school. While I was I brushing my hair, I frowned slightly as I gazed at my reflection.

I bared my teeth to get a better view of my braces. I quickly closed my mouth, insecure of the way they looked on me.

Sighing, I put the brush down and picked up my f/c backpack. I left the house and started to make my way to UA.

Soon I arrived at the large school and walked into my classroom, 1-a. I greeted my closest friends, Kirishima, Mina, Denki, Sero, Jiro and, although he wouldn't admit it, Bakugo.

Just a normal day at school.

Our first lesson was math with Ectoplasm. Boring, per usual. I took notes, solved problems and soon the lesson was over.

During break, I sat on Mina's desk, surrounded by the rest of the Bakusquad.

As Denki made some kind of immature joke, I laughed, subconsciously covering my mouth as I did so. After getting braces, I'd become insecure of my smile and had started to cover my mouth with my hand ever since.

It was a bad habit, but it was better than showing people my ugly smile...
(ur smile is gorgeous but I needed to add that for plot<3)


Kirishima's POV:

I frowned as Y/N covered her mouth while she laughed at Denki's stupid jokes.

It annoyed my whenever she always hid her smile as if she thought it was ugly.

I used to do that in the beginning of middle school because I didn't like my sharp teeth. But then I had made some amazing friends that assured me that they thought my pointy teeth looked cool and manly.

And ever since I haven't covered up my smile. Maybe Y/N just needs someone to do the same thing for her...


Your POV:

I noticed Kirishima frown slightly as I laughed. My heart sank. Maybe my smile really was hard to look at. My laughter quickly subsided and I closed my lips to hide my teeth.

Kirishima had such cool teeth and an amazing confident smile. Why couldn't I be more like him?

"Is something wrong, Y/N?" asked Jiro, noticing my sudden change of emotion.

"Hmm? No of course not!" I said quickly, waving my arms. I forced a closed mouth smile and they seemed to believe me.

If only I didn't have these stupid braces, maybe I could be like them. Confident, beautiful, happy...

I shook my head. I was overreacting. They were just braces!

Then why did I always cover them up?

I sighed. I couldn't wait to get these things off.


Kirishima's POV:

I waited nervously for Y/N to finish talking to Sero so that I could ask her something.

"Oh, hey, Kirishima!" she greeted, turning towards me "Can I help you with anything?"

"Um, yes, actually, I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere after school." I said, hoping I didn't sound as nervous as I felt.

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