Tamaki x reader

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No one's POV:

"Hey, Amajiki~" you said in a flirtatious tone, enjoying the way it made the shy boy blush. He was so easy to fluster, it was adorable!

"H-hey, Y-Y/N..." he muttered, avoiding eye contact.

"Watcha' doin' after school, cutie?" you asked, winking playfully at him.

"Y/N, leave the poor boy alone!" scolded Nejire, popping up out of nowhere.

"Ok..." you relented. Amajiki turned away from you and walked off, face as red as a tomato.

"You're only pushing him away, you know." said Mirio, casually walking through a wall.

"You're right. I should stop." you mumbled.

"But you won't." said Mirio, rolling his eyes (don't ask me how).

"I've just got so much rizz, it's impossible for me to stop!" you giggled.

"He'll never accept your feelings if you don't express them like a normal human being, Y/N." Nejire said.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. No more flirting." you sighed.

"Good girl." grinned Nejire, patting your head.


Your POV:

"Hello, Amajiki..." I said expressionlessly as I walked into the classroom the next day.

"H-hello..." he stuttered.

I sat down in my usual seat and started doing the homework I should have done yesterday. I was resolved to not flirt with or even complement Amajiki.

"You gonna eat lunch with us, Y/N?" asked Nejire as soon as the bell rang.

"Sure." I replied, keeping my eyes on her and not looking at Amajiki. If I did look at him, I'd probably end up teasing him about his cute ears and I had promised Nejire I wouldn't.

"Great, let's go!"

The Big Four made it's way to it's usual table and started eating.

"I was wondering if you guys wanted to come over to my house to do homework together?" asked Mirio in his usual cheerful voice.

"Sure!" agreed Nejire. "Tamaki, what about you?"

I could almost feel him nervously glance at me before responding, but I was looking determinedly at my food.

"Y-yeah... I-i-i'll be there."

"Great! Y/N?" asked Nejire.

I wanted to, but it might make Amajiki... I mean, Tamaki, uncomfortable so I had to decline.

"No, sorry I'm busy."

"Oh.. ok. Next time, for sure though!" she said, sounding a little disappointed.

We ate lunch and talked... well, Mirio and Nejire talked, me and Tamaki just ate in silence.

When lunch break came to an end, we sat up and made our way back to our classroom to grab our hero suits, before heading outside for hero training.


"Listen up, everybody! Today we will be sparring in pairs! Partners have been assigned: Mirio and Nejire! L/N and Tamaki! Student and Other student!..." called the teacher.

Great, now how was I supposed to avoid him!?

"H-hey, Y-Y/N." came the nervous voice of Tamaki Amajiki from my left.

"Looks like we're sparring, Tamaki." I said, smiling slightly, but still not looking directly at him.

"Yeah..." he answered. He almost sounded... disappointed? Did he really not want to see me that badly?

I never realized how much he disliked me... I knew I made him nervous but I guess I made him more uncomfortable than I thought... I really should have stopped annoying him a long time ago...

"And... Start!"

I turned reluctantly towards Tamaki and got into a fighting stance.


"Are we going to walk home together?" asked Nejire, falling into step beside me. She smiled hopefully but I didn't feel like talking to anybody right now.

"Um, sorry but I have some business at home to take care of so I'm kind of in a hurry!" I lied.


I waved goodbye, feeling guilty that I had made my best friend sad, but I just wanted to be alone right now.

I sped up and left the school building, not looking back or saying goodbye to my other friends.

A minute later I heard running footsteps behind me and someone calling my name.

"Nejire, I told you I-"

I turned around and abruptly stopped speaking when I saw who it was.

Not Nejire, but Tamaki was standing right in font of me, slightly out of breath and looking for something to say.

"Are you ok, Y/N?" he said at last, looking genuinely concerned.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I said, forcing a smile.

Why was he asking me that? It's not like he cared...

"You aren't acting like yourself." he told me, sounding a little more confident with each word.

"How so?"

"First of all, you called me Tamaki earlier. You always call me Amajiki. Always. Second of all you didn't want to study with Nejire and Mirio, even though you always want to! Third of all, you've barely looked at me today, let alone speak to me. Is it something I did? If it is, I sincerely apologize for whatever it is!"

I watched in shock as Tamaki ranted, not sounding like his usual shy self at all.

"You didn't do anything, Ta- Amajiki." I shook my head. "It's just... I realized I was probably making you uncomfortable with the way I've been treating you and I didn't want that. It's just how I express my feelings..."

I trailed off, looking at my feet. So he wasn't upset because of how I was acting towards him, he was sad that I was avoiding him?

"Th-the truth is..." he started, a dark bush creeping up his neck "I don't mind whenever you act like th-that t-towards me." he admitted.

"I like it whenever you complemente me and wh-whenever you call me cute..." he took a deep breath. "It gives me butterflies. You give me butterflies, Y/N."

I stared at him for awhile, not knowing what to say. This was so unusual for Amajiki, what was I supposed to say?? Did he just confess he likes me back?? Should I ask him out??

"So does this mean..." I said slowly "That you'll go out with me, Amajiki?"

"Y-yes! I would like th-that." he answered, looking at me, smiling shyly, his face still pink.

"Great!" I said, feeling much happier than I had earlier today. "How about we meet Saturday morning and go somewhere?"

"That sounds g-good." he agreed.

"Alright then!" I winked at him and continued my walk home "See you there, cutie~!"



Thank you guys so much for 80 reads and 1 vote!!!! I know that doesn't sound like a lot but it means a lot to me!!!!!! Hope you're all doing amazing! Don't forget to drink lots of water, eat plenty of food and slay the day away!!!


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