Todoroki x reader (Soulmate AU)

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In this Soulmate AU, you can only see things that are the color of your soulmate's eyes (and everything else is grey) untill you look your soulmate in the eyes (then you can see all the colors). Enjoy<3


Your POV:

I was considered lucky my whole life. We live in a world, where most people can't see most colors. While I was among them because I haven't met my soulmate yet, I could see, not one, but two colors.

This means that, either, I have two soulmates, which is unheard of and impossible, or my soulmate has heterochromia, which is unusual but likely the answer.

Some people go their whole lives without meeting their soulmate and some people end up meeting, marrying and spending the rest of their lives with theirs.

My parents were among the second group. They had met in highschool and have been together ever since.

Now I was about to start high school and my hopes of finding my soulmate were not high.

In a world full of people, what are the chances that I will find the special someone destined for me?


Todoroki's POV:

I had always felt sorry for my mother because she had never met her soulmate, instead being forced to marry father because of her quirk.

I was doubtful that I would ever get to meet my soulmate.

There was nothing really special about their eye color that would help me identify them amongst the other millions of e/c- eyed people.

But still, everywhere I went, I looked into the eyes of every stranger with e/c eyes in the hopes if seeing the world in color.

So far, I had had no luck. The world was still grey, except for some e/c here and there.

But, deep down, I secretly hoped that they would be able to find me because of my two different eye colors.

They probably had it easy, being able to see two colors their whole life. Their parents were probably soulmates.

There was a tiny, microscopic chance that they were also from Japan, that we both lived in the same city, that we were both going to UA and that maybe, just maybe, we would look eachother in the eyes.

Today was the first day of school. I hadn't even needed to take the practical entrance exam to get into one of Japan's best hero schools because of who my father was.

While I was walking to the big UA gate, I caught a few glimpses of e/c around me.

I entered the school, feeling dull and emotionless.

After all, in a world full of people, what are the chances that I will find the special someone destined for me?


Your POV:

I really was lucky, I thought, as I gazed at the light blue sky and trunks of a few trees that were just the right shade of brown.

Most people couldn't see what colour the beautiful clear sky was. Although they knew that it was blue, unless their soulmate had blue eyes, they didn't know what 'blue' looked like.

But I was one of the lucky few that did know. And I also knew what brown looked like.

I was currently walking to my new school, UA. I had managed to scrape by on the practical and written exam and was now on my way to becoming a hero.

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