Bakugo x reader

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I'm kind of running out of characters so I'm making a sixth oneshot with Bakugo. This one was inspired by the cover. Enjoy!


*middle school*

Your POV:

"Hey, Deku! Mind if I borrow that notebook of yours for a minute?" said Bakugo, smiling evilly and ripping the book out of Izuku's hands.

"That wasn't very plus ultra of you, Boom Boom boy." I said angrily, using my telekinesis quirk to take back my best friend's notebook.

"What did you just call me!?"

I rolled my eyes, before grabbing Izuku's arm and dragging him away from the bully.

"Come one, Izuku. He's just jealous that you have a real friend and all he's got are goonies that follow him around out of fear."

"Oi, I'm not done with you, Deku!" yelled Bakugo, ignoring what I had said. I was strong enough that he knew talking back to me directly might end badly for him.

I whispered something in Izuku's ear and he turned around to bravely face Bakugo, saying:

"Yeah, well I'm done with you!"

"Nice." I said quietly to my friend.

"You can't even come up with your own comebacks, Deku!? Without Y/N, you're useless! You can't do anything by yourself! You don't even have a freaking quirk!" yelled Bakugo "Why don't you just take a swan dive off a roof and pray for a quirk in your next life!?"

I gasped. Bakugo had always bullied Izuku and been mean to him since they were little, but telling him to commit suicide was too far.

"Why don't you follow your own advice, Bakugo!" I shouted back. I practically dragged Izuku away, leaving Bakugo far behind us.

"You shouldn't have said that, Y/N!" said Izuku nervously.

"He told you to kill yourself!! How could I not say anything!! It took all of my power NOT to strangle him right then and there!" I seethed.

Imagine her holding Bakugo in a force choke hold lol

Izuku remained silent during my little rant. He almost looked scared- he had never seen me this angry before.

"No matter what, don't let what he said get to your head." I finished "It's better to be quirkless than to be like him. And I'm always here for you, you know? If he ever says something like that again, come straight to me, got it?"

"Ok..." Izuku nodded "Just promise me you won't actually murder him?"



"Fine, I promise." I grumbled. Izuku smiled, brighter than the sun itself, and we started walking home together.

*first day at UA*

Today I was walking to school with Izuku just like any other day, except this time, we were going to UA High.

I had been overjoyed when I got the acceptance letter, even more so when Izuku got it. I had no idea how a quirkless kid managed to pass the practical exam, but he did and now we get to become heroes together.

"You're in class 1-a right?" he asked anxiously for the dozenth time.

"Yes, don't worry." I replied patiently.

We walked up to the large door with the sign '1-A' hanging above it.

"You ready?" I asked him excitedly.

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