Todoroki x reader

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Reader's quirk: Lullaby - you can put people to sleep with your voice


Your POV:

"Hey, Jiro!" I called to my best friend "I was wondering if you wanted to train with me after school again today?"

"Sure." she agreed.

"Cool! I'll meet you outside after this lesson!"

At the end of class, I stood up and went to get changed into my hero costume.

Then I went to meet Jiro outside like we had said.

She was already waiting outside on the training field, wearing her simple, yet stylish hero suit.

"So, I was thinking, since we both have hearing related quirks, we could focus on..." I started to strategize.

She nodded along, agreeing to my plan. Even though we would be fighting each other in this exercise, we had to pretend like we were in a different environment and that would only work if we were both on the same page.

But while I was proposing different fighting styles we could try on each other, I got the strange feeling that I was being watched...

I shook it off and got into a fighting stance. On the opposite side of the field, across from me, Jiro did the same.

I prepared to activate my voice quirk, she extended her earphone jacks and the training match began.


Todoroki's POV:

Lately I noticed something interesting about
L/N's quirk.

I had a theory, but I needed a little bit more evidence to prove it was true.

So I did what any normal person would have done and followed her.

Hidden behind the corner, I watched her closely as her match with Jiro began, mentally taking notes about her quirk.

It was sound related and put people to sleep, which could only mean one thing...

(I think y'all know where this is going 💀...)

L/N was Midnight and Present Mic's secret love child.

It fit perfectly - a while back, Midnight and Present Mic got a little naughty, had a baby, gave her a fake last name and she grew up to have a perfect combination of their quirks.

(I'm dying while writing this💀💀💀)

Now that I was sure of it, I just needed to find the perfect time to confront L/N about it.

Surely principal Nedzu will want to know about this- two of his teachers having an illegitimate child.

But first I would ask L/N. In the unlikely event that I am mistaken, I would not want to have bothered the principal for no reason.

Maybe I should keep watching her- find out her relationship with the two teachers based off of her interactions with them and see if it is any different than that of a student and a teacher's.

Now for the hard part:

How do I approach L/N and question her about her dark secret without coming across as rude?


Your POV:

"That was great, Jiro!" I exclaimed at the end of our mock fight, wiping my forehead.

"Yeah!" she said, taking a sip of water "We should definitely do that again sometime soon."

We chatted as we got dressed back into our everyday clothes and left school.

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