Shinso x reader

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Reader's quirk: Lullaby (she can put people to sleep with her voice)
Drawbacks- the more she uses it, the less sleep she gets

*Does class 1-c have dorms?? Well, in this they do.


Your POV:

I plopped down onto my bed after a long day of training. That was one of the reasons I loved living in a dorm- apart from being neighbors with all of my friends, my bed was one hallway away at the end of school.

But there was a problem- even though I was utterly exhausted, I just couldn't sleep. That was the drawback of overusing my quirk. The more I put others to sleep- the less sleep I get.

I sighed, rolling onto my side and closing my tired eyes. I laid there motionless, willing sleep to overtake me but it never came.

I tried ever method I knew, but it still didn't work. After a few hours of restless tossing and turning, I gave up and got out of bed.

After grabbing (fav book) from my bookshelf, I left my dorm and quietly made my way to the common room.

I sat down on one of the armchairs and started to read.

After a few chapters, I still wasn't sleepy, so I decided to get a little midnight snack.

I marked my page with a bookmark, closed the book, got up and went into the kitchen.

I opened the cabinet slowly, careful to not make a sound.

I looked through my snack options, smiling when I saw (fav snack). I reached in and grabbed it, mindful not to make the package crinkle.

I sighed as I successfully extracted it and sat down at the table. I reached into the bag/package of (fav snack) and took out a couple.

Just as I was stuffing them into my mouth, I heard footsteps.

I looked up and saw Shinso, standing frozen in the doorway, watching me stuff my face at one in the morning.

"Want some?" I asked, mouth still full of said snack.

"Um, sure." he said hesitantly, sitting down across from me and reaching into the bag.

"So, why are you up at this hour?" I asked him as he sipped his cup of black coffee.

"Insomnia." he shrugged "You?"

"My quirk." I sighed "The more I use it, the less sleep I get."

He nodded and turned his attention back to his coffee.

We sat in silence, eating (fav snack) and drinking coffee for a while, before an idea popped into my head.

"Hey, why don't I use my quirk on you?"

"No, it's fine. Then you wouldn't get any sleep." he said hurriedly, running a hand through his wild purple hair.

"I don't mind! I was already going to pull an all-nighter and, no offense, but you look like you could really use some sleep." I offered.

"No, really, I don't mind staying up." he said again.

"If you don't agree, then I'll do it without your permission and you'll end up sleeping on the table. Your choice." I said, crossing my arms.

"Fine." he grumbled.

I smiled and stood up, motioning for him to do the same.

I followed him into his dorm and sat down on his bed.

"No wonder you can't sleep, your bed is as hard as a rock!" I muttered.

"Whatever, just get it over with." he said, rolling his lavender eyes.

"Right, lay down." I instructed.

"Ok..." He laid down on the bed, watching me curiously "So are just, like, going to knock me out now or something?"

"No, silly, I have to sing you a lullaby!" I giggled.

He shot up.

"No way! I'm not a little kid!"

"Didn't you know how my quirk works?" I asked "Come on, don't be a baby! You'll fall asleep just like that, trust me!"

I snapped my fingers for emphasis.

"Fine." he muttered sleepily "But you can't tell anybody about this, got it?"

"What, you don't want people knowing that I sang you to sleep?" I smiled.

"No, I don't." he glared at me. "Right, let's get this over with."

He settled into his blanket, looking awkward.

I began to quietly sing a lullaby to him. I watched him relax more and more as the words left my lips. The sweet notes soon lulled him to sleep.

As I sang the last verse, Shinso's eyes closed and his breathing evened out.

I finished the song on a low note and made sure he was fast asleep before leaving his dorm.

I went back into my own dorm and got into bed, soon beginning to doze off.

Shinso and I both slept soundly that night for a change.

You're probably wondering how I fell asleep after using my quirk so much.

Well, the truth is...

I didn't use my quirk on Shinso.



Short and sweet, just like me lol

Anyway, I hope y'all liked that one. A have a few ideas in my drafts, but if you want to request, they're still open.

Love you😘 😘 😘

Here have a frog 🐸


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