Part 1

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Bella's POV

"When will I get to see you?" I ask Luhan through the phone.

This entire year, I've only got to talk to Luhan 4 times. Being best friends, that's nothing.

"We will see each other this summer! I promise we will." He responds, cheerfully.

I let out a happy sigh. "I just miss you so much. You don't know how much harder it is without you."

"Awh....I miss you so much too. But we get to hang out this whole Summer. You will get to meet the group!"

"Ahh! Wait, I already met them. Aha, you forgot already! Remember, you introduced them to me in high school."

"Really...OH YEAH!"


"Yes, I can't believe I almost forgot that. Yeah, we can all hang out this Summer!"

"I wanna see them so badly too. What's been happening over there?"

"Well, the usual. Our concert has been approving and...Hunhan is really getting out of hand..." Luhan laughs. "The fans...they really go all out."

I laugh along with him.

"I've been practicing my Korean too! I'm improving a lot, which is good for me."

"Oh, cool!"

After hours of talking...

"So, when can I see you?" I ask, sounding hopeful.

Luhan sighs.

Is that a good sign?

"This summer, I have a plan all planned out already."

"Why did you sigh then?"

"Oh, it's not an easy plan."


"So, I already arranged a flight for you in two days, which is Friday for you, right?"


"Ok, it's a first class, so you're welcome. Anyway, you will go on the plane and fly here."

"Ok then, what's so complicated about that?"

"The thing is, I don't know if you're ready to live with 12 kpop idols for a whole summer."

"Please! I can handle it! I once had to share a room with 5 other guys in college!"


I cover my mouth. "Oh, nothing, just my roomate was a slut in college and she always invited guys to come over..."


I can hear Luhan shifting his weight around in his seat.

"Anyways, I'm ok with that. I can handle it, I know how to control myself and my feelings." I promised him.

"Ok, fine, but if there's any problem with the other members, you have to tell me. Got it?"

"Ok, I promise I will. But don't judge me when I have a little fan girl moment when I meet them."

"Of course I won't judge. I have to admit, when I first met them, I was jumpy." Luhan laughs.

After planning....

I hang up the phone with an excited smile.

I get to meet Exo and see my best friend after a whole year without him. It's a good time to be alive.

I get up to start packing. I decide to not bring that many clothes. I love shopping and the fashion over there is TO DIE FOR!

After I finish my packing, I call my parents.

"Hey, mom!" I greeted.

"Hello, darling." My mom greets back.

"Summer break, I'm so excited!"

"Haha, already, dear, what is making you so excited so early?"

"Oh, I got-"

"Ohhooo wait, lemme guess, it has something to do with Lulu, huh? Ahh, my daughter is growing up so fast! Did he ask you out yet? Did you tell him you like him? Does he know?"

"Mom! Mom! Calm down, he didn't do any of those things, but I am going to spend the summer with him and...Exo." I whisper the last part.


"Yes, mother." I giggled.

"Ahhhh, please call, please tell them to sign everything! Oh, are you going to make a move on Kai? He has gotten cuter, hasn't he?"

I told my mom about him and she totally ships us.

"Mom, mom, please. But... I KNOW RIGHT AHHH!!!"

We fangirl for a while, then we come back to our senses.

"Ok, You may go, but be careful. Only girl, 12 boys, good looking boys, you have to be able to control yourself. I'm not ready to be a grandma."

I blush. "MOM!"

"I'm sorry, hunny, but you gotta be able to, dating is fine, but what if all the boys fall for you and it ruins their brotherhood?"

"Mom, stop that, you're making me worried!" I whine.

"Ok, fine, have fun. Call often. I gotta cook dinner for your dad. Bye, I love you."

"Ok, love you too, mwah."

We hang up.

Great, why did my mom say that? Just thinking I could ruin their friendship is just outrageous! Their bond is too special.

I sigh and get up from the couch. I walk around my apartment and start thinking about this summer.

It's really late now.....I should get some sleep.

I take a shower and fall asleep after drying my hair.

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