Part 34

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Bella's POV

"Ahh, that's so cute!" Sehun and Xiumin squeal and jump.

Luhan just high fives Kai.

I roll my eyes. "Great! There's no body I can talk to and scream about."

Xiumin raises his hand. "There's me!"

"You can't survive a second of screaming." Sehun pushes him.

I nod and laugh. "Yeah, you may have a high voice, but-"

"LET'S GO TO THE BEACH! GET YOUR SWIM ON!!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol scream and run out of their room with their swimsuits on already.

Kris storms out of his room. "Seriously? What is 10:00! Not even noon! I'm trying to rest!"

Chanyeol and Baekhyun ignore him and start running to the kitchen.

I shrug. "Yes! Let's go!" I join them. They scream and cheer when they embrace me. We start jumping and spinning in circles.

Kai's POV

I watch as Baekhyun and Chanyeol pull Bella into their little party.

"That's your girlfriend!" Luhan pats my shoulder. "Good luck!"

"W-What's that suppose to mean?" I smack him.

"She's great and all, but she's kind of like Baekhyun. She's loud and very energetic. One time, she kept me up late at night by singing Nicki Minaj songs." Luhan shakes his head.

I shrug. "If I can deal with Baekhyun, I can deal with her. She's cute when she is like that anyways."

D.O walks out of the room looking really mad and head towards the party.

Bella was the first one to notice, so she jumps away. She runs towards me and hides behind me.

"Bella? Where are you-UAHAH!" Baekhyun gets tackled by D.O.

Chanyeol points and laughs. D.O grabs his foot and pulls him down.

"This is no joke." Bella laughs.

I turn around and kiss her forehead. "As long as you keep an eye out, you're fine."

Bella smiles brightly. "Yup, now let's pack!"

"Are you not hungry?" Sehun asks.

Bella shakes her head. "I can eat later! Hurry, come on!" She grabs my hand and pulls me in the room.

"I need to change." Bella rummages through her drawers. She takes out 2 pairs of swimsuits. A 2-piece and a 1-piece.

"Wear this one." I point to the 2-piece. In response she just laughs.

"Yeah yeah, sure."

"No really, it might be really hot, you should wear this one just in case." I hold it up. It was pink and black striped and had bows.

"Fine....I'll wear this over it." She takes out a white tank top. "And these shorts." She takes out swim shorts. Hey, at least they look skin tight.

I stand there completely surprised. "No, no-"

"Ok, I'm gonna change, go choose yours."

She walks into the bathroom and closes the door.

"Haha, good luck!" Luhan shouts through the door.


"Channie! Take a picture for me!" Baekhyun yells. He was posing with all his beach stuff on.

"Take your sunglasses off, it's not sunny in here." Suho tells Baekhyun.

"Fine, take it later."

"Where's Tao and Kris?" Xiumin asks me.

I shrug.

"They better not take long, we're going soon."

"Where's Bella?" Luhan asks.

"I think she's still getting packed." I answer.

Bella's POV

Oh, I can't wait! I'm still all happy and warm inside because of yesterday.

Someone knocks on the door. "Hey, Bell? Are you almost done? We're about to go, the car's almost here."

I think that was Luhan. "Oh, yes, yes! Wait, there's a car?"

"Yeah, we got a car to take us. Hurry up!"

"Fine fine!" I grab my phone and backpack and head out.

I walk out checking my phone. "Oh, I got a text."

Zoey: Ok, update me! What's going on?
-Saturday 5:45 pm-

Zoey: Hello, are you there?
-Saturday 6:55 pm-

Bella: Sorry! I was busy having fun! Wish you could be here because... I have a new boyfriend!!!! :):):):)

"Wow! Bella, you look really nice!" Kai sneaks his arms around my waist.

"Aha, I'm wearing a really big shirt though."

"Still, are you really going to go in the water with that on?"

"Yes, what's so surprising for you?"

"It just seems....uncomfortable."

I shake my head and smile. "No, I always do this, nothing bad happens."

"Except for that one time you-"

"LUHAN!" I stop him before getting embarrassed again.

Luhan shrugs. "There's more where that one came from."

"Well, I have more to get back at you!" I snap back at him.

"Let's go, come on!" Tao yells as he enters the room. "Kris, do you have my bag?"

Sehun snorts. "Why do you sound so girly?"

"What do you mean!?"

"Never mind."

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