Part 43

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Bella's POV

"Ok, DINNER'S READY!" I yell as I carry the last plate to the dining table. "COME OUT AND TRY THIS!"

I clap and high five Zoey.

"We are number one!" Zoey squeals and shakes her shoulders.


As soon as everyone was seated, we stand behind the kitchen counters and watch them closely.

"Ok, first of all. Thumbs up on the presentation." Kris holds up two thumbs up.

I high five Zoey again.

"Yeah, I agree, it all looks very delicious!" Xiumin holds up a thumbs up too.

"So, who's going to judge first?" Suho asks.

"Wait, let us introduce all the dishes first because it's more than just one dish." I hurry over to the dining table. "Zoey come here."

"Ok, we have 2 meat dishes and 2 noodle dishes. For the noodles, we have Jajangmyeon (black bean sauce noodles) and Bibim Guksu (sweet & Spicy Cold Noodles)." I point to the noodles.

"Wow." D.O approves.

Sehun leans over to Kai. "Your girl can cook, don't mess things up."

Kai blushes and pretends to not hear him.

"For the meat dishes, we have Buldak (spicy chicken) and Bulgogi (Grilled Marinated Beef). No pork because pork has a lot of fat and it's not healthy to eat too much of it." Zoey explains. I nod.

"Ahh smart." Tao smiles.

"They are so considerate." Suho claps his hands and nods.

"Now, for the veggies! We have lettuce for lettuce wraps. Steamed green beans. There are also Kimchi." I say pointing to the side dishes.

"Daebak! Daebak!" Everyone cheers.

"I have got to hand it to you. You really went all out. Now for the taste." D.O tells me.

"Ok, go ahead and eat. Eat well, eat up. Make sure everyone eats enough!" I shout.

Kai takes the first bite.

"Oh My Gosh!" Kai yells in English. "This is amazing, truly the best thing I have ever eaten!"

As soon as everyone hears him, they immediately start eating. Now the room is filled with 'wow's and 'mmm's.

I smile. "I get that a lot."

Zoey smiles and shoves me. "We work as a team."

"Fine, WE get that a lot." I laugh.


"What? You're sleeping downstairs?" Kai pouts.

"Yeah, with Zoey. It'll only make sense. Plus, I can't leave her alone." I say.

Kai whimpers like a lost puppy and pulls me in for a hug. "I want you to be with me all night, though."

I giggle. "It's ok, Kai. You'll survive. I'll be with you once Zoey finds someone else to sleep with." I wink at him.

"Fine, promise me." Kai pulls me in for another deep kiss.

"BELLAAA! COME DOWN!" Zoey calls for me from downstairs.

I pull away and pick up my stuff. "I'm sorry. Good night, I'll miss you. Sleep well. Have good dreams." I blow kisses to him. Kai pretends to catch them, but sadly.

"Good night, sleep well."

I greet Zoey downstairs. "Hey, what are-where are you?"

"In here." Zoey calls from a musical/stage room.

"Ok, so what-WHoAA-"

The music stage was totally transformed into our childhood dream sleepover party. The seats in the crowd were taken out and replaced by two big mattresses that take up almost half the crowd space. The mattresses had a soft, fluffy blanket covering it and two pink body pillows. The lights were turned off and the stage was the only place that was lit. The stage only had a piano, guitar, and one microphone stand.

"Like it?" Zoey pulls me to the bed.

"Oh my goodness! This was like our one dream when we were younger! This looks amazing, oh my gosh!" I say still examining the place. "I love it!"

"Yup. Two dreams in one." Zoey crosses her arms and holds her head up high.


"The sleepover dream and your singer dream."

"I-I wanted to be a model..."

"Yeah, but you're a great singer. Plus, these walls are soundproof, so no one will hear you, it's totally fine! Go up and sing!" Zoey pushes me onto the stage and leaves me standing there awkwardly. "BE FREE!"

"I-I don't...what should I..." I grab the microphone.

"Sing one of Exo's songs!" Zoey screams like a fan.

"I d-don't have music."

Zoey runs into a little room by the stage. All of a sudden, "Baby, Don't Cry" comes on.

"ZOEY! Oh my gosh, I can't sing this alone." I start to panic. "It'll sound horrible with just me singing it."

"Don't worry, just sing! Sing freely, sing beautifully. FIGHTING, Bella, FIGHTING!"

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