Part 9

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Bella's POV

I stare at their amazing, well-lit, and very big living room.

Kai walks up to me and smirks. "You never seen a living room before?"

I snap out of my stance and look at him with REALLY BISH look on my face. "Of course I have seen a living room. Just, this one is very different." I go back into awe.

Kai laughs. "Is it because you're in Exo's dorm? The very famous Kpop boy group."

"Eh?!" I rub the back of my neck.

Kai steps closer to me and puts his arm around my neck. "Come on, admit it. You are in every fan girl's dream right now. A very beautiful girl is standing in Exo's living room. Oh wait, not just that. You'll be living here for a couple for months now."

I blush when Kai said beautiful and I try to cover I up with a squeal. "Ahh, it's going to be so much fun. It's going to be like having older brothers who I can hang out with and tease!"

Kai scoffs. "So innocent." He whispers and walks away.

As soon as he disappears in the hallways, I notice that there is no one in the living room. "Um, hello? Anyone here? Where do I put my stuff?" I yell. I, a lone girl, standing in an empty living with 12 hot guys somewhere in the same building."

No, seriously, they all disappeared!

"Aish, where did they all go?" I say to myself. I pick up my luggage and explore a bit.

As I was looking at photos on the wall, someone jumped me from behind.

"AH!" I shriek and drop all of my stuff on the ground. I look up to see a laughing Xiumin. He stands there clapping like a seal and laughing uncontrollably. I smack his shoulder a few times.

Xiumin regains himself and gives me a hug. "Sorry about that, but it was the perfect chance! Did you see your face, hahaha."

I glare at him picking up my stuff. "No, I didn't see my face. Ugh, I'll get revenge." I say loudly.

Xiumin sticks out his tongue at me.

"Careful, Xiumin, she doesn't joke around when she says she'll get revenge! I learned it the hard way." We hear Luhan yell.

Xiumin and I laugh.

"So, need some help. I volunteered! Everyone else is cleaning their rooms and getting ready for something. They wouldn't tell me anything else, heh." Xiumin plays with his fingers.

Ah, he is so freaking adorable. I wanna squeeze him! I guess it's a charm all Exo members have, since he almost scared me to death, I still want to hug him and kiss his cheek!

"Oh, well, thanks, um. Yah, where is my room?" I ask.

"Well, uh, see, we don't have extra rooms."

"Oh?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Ok, so this is how things work around here. We have 6 bedrooms, a bathroom in each. We also have a music room, which is a huge room with as many instruments you could think of." Xiumin explains with a bright smile and bright eyes.

I tilt my head. "So who shares a room with whom?"

Xiumin claps his hands together and lets out a big sigh. "Chanyeol and Baekhyun share a room. Luhan and Sehun share a room, Lay, D.O and Chen share a room, Suho and I share a room, and Kris and Tao share a room."

"Ok, that's 5." I state not catching on to is point.

"That means one more bedroom left. And that's 11 members." Xiumin holds up one finger and then 11 fingers.

I stomp my foot. "I know my math, Xiumin! Ok, so who's...left-"

"Aish! You and Kai have to share a bedroom!" Xiumin says almost cutting you off.

I tilt my head again. "Ok, is that bad? Does he not like me? Will he hurt me? Does he like to pull pranks while people are sleeping?" I start to worry....I like my hair and eyebrows.

Xiumin shakes his head and hands. "No, no, none of those. Well, maybe the prank part. But anyways, that shouldn't be your one and only worry.

I gasp. "There's only one bed!?"

"No! There are two, but they are close." Xiumin says the last part quietly.

"Ok, so what's the problem?" I was tapping my foot.

"Kai, uh, he's kind of a....hmm, h-how should I put this?" Xiumin rubs his chin.

I listen closely. "Continue, come on, I can handle it."

Xiumin looks to his left, then to his right, then behind him. I just stare at him blankly. He then leans ery close to my face.

"Kai is a pervert." He whispers to me, hardly audible.

I immediately burst out into laughter. Xiumin tilts HIS head at me.

"Hahahaha, oh Xiumin. You sounded so....h-how should I put this? Innocent." I start laughing again.

Xiumin pouts and crosses his arms. "Well, don't blame me if anything happens."

I stand up straight and look at him wit a smile. "Xiumin, we just met, of course he won't try anything."

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