Part 49

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Bella's POV

"What you did was not smart? You almost got yourself kicked out!" I hear Suho scolding somebody.

I gasp. "W-What's going on?"

The members walk into the house and separate. I can see clearly on their faces that they weren't happy.

"Don't get involved. Let them cool first." Zoey holds me back from running to them.

"But Kai doesn't look happy. I'm pretty sure Suho was talking to Kai." I argue.

"You don't understand, Suho, he was being unreasonable and totally unfair!" Kai shouts. He sounded frustrated.

"That doesn't matter, life is unfair! You shouldn't talk back to the CEO." Suho shouts back.

I escape from Zoey's grip and run towards Kai.

"Whatever he is, he insulted B-" Kai stops as soon as he sees me.

"Kai?" I say. "What's this about almost getting kicked out?"

I know I probably shouldn't be so nosy, but he's my boyfriend and I'm worried.

"Bella stay out of this!" He yells to me.

I step back, surprised by his voice.

"Kai, I'm worried." I softly say to him.

"Don't be worried, everything is fine. Just don't get involved. You shouldn't be worried." He shoos me.

I step back again. My heart drops at his reaction.

"Kai, you shouldn't be so-" Suho tries to calm Kai.

"I'm not, I-I'm not trying to. Just J-Just, I need to go. I n-need time alone." Kai waves off Suho and walks away.

I grab his hand when he walks past me. "Kai, let me go with you."

"No, stay here. Did you not hear me? I need time alone." Kai shakes off my hand and leaves the dorm.


"I told you not to get involved." Zoey takes a sip out of her bubble tea.

"Not the time Zoey." I say to her.


"It's almost midnight, where is Kai?" Suho grabs his hair and groans.

"Do you have any idea where he might be?" Sehun asks me.

I shrug.

"I can't believe he ran away like this! What if those guys find him and take him down!" D.O panics.

I gasp. "D.O!"

"Don't say that! I'm sure he'll be fine, I'm sure if it." Luhan pats his back.

"Should we call the police?" Xiumin asks.

"No, they won't help us unless he's been gone for 48 hours." Suho answers.

"Then...should we call our manager?" Lay asks.

"No, that'll make this situation worse." Kris answers.

"But this all started because of this same thing." D.O points out.

"Let's not get worried. Let's not panic. We'll just search for him ourselves." Suho says.

"That's probably not a good idea." I say.

Everyone turns to me.

"Why?" Suho asks.

"If we all search for him, it'll be dangerous. You all know why Kai almost got kicked out. Let me search for him, since I don't have a concert this weekend. You two stay here and keep in contact with me." I explain while putting on a jacket.

"But Bella. That's a bit dangerous. You shouldn't go alone. Let me go with you." Baekhyun says.

"No, no. I'll be fine. I can take care of myself. When I find him, I'll call you." I say.

"Be careful! Please be careful. Are you sure, Zoey, go with her." Luhan stops me from opening the door.

"No, no. Let her stay here. Watch over her.

"What if you disappear too?" Zoey worries.

"I'll be fine. I actually might know where he is."

I open the door and leave the house.

"Shall I drive you?" luhan yells to me.

"I can go myself! I know how to drive!" I call back.

I jump into a car and start driving.

"Kai, stay put." I whisper as I make my way through the empty streets. It's creepy how the streets are already empty.

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