Part 41

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Bella's POV

Should I be happy or worried? My girl best friend is coming over on such short notice. I should tell Luhan. But I don't feel like going back.

"Omo, what to do?" I cross my arms and continue walking around the unfamiliar path.

My phone buzzes, it's a text from Luhan.

Luhan: Hey, I have good news! Where r u?

Bella: I'm outside walking around. I have something to tell u too.

Luhan: Oh, well, come back

Bella: Do I have to?

Luhan: You shouldn't be out there alone after what just happened. Plus, you don't know what's out there.

Bella: I'm not that far away

Luhan: Ok, tell me what's wrong? Did Kai make you mad?

Bella: No, I'm not mad, but I think he is.

Luhan: He's not mad. He's worried.

Bella: How would you know?

Luhan: He told me

I quickly up from my phone and walk back towards the house with a beating heart.

Luhan: We can see you walking...come back

Bella: I'm walking back, but I really need to tell you something.

Luhan: Ok

I grip my phone and start jogging.

I made Kai worried. Well, he should be. I shouldn't be hard on him, though.

"Bella!" I hear Luhan call. "Come here, quick!"

I run inside the house and inside his room.

As soon as I open the door, Kai wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me on the lips.

He pulls away and rests his forehead on mine.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, I guess I was so worried-"

Kai tightens his grip on my waist and kisses me again, cutting me off.

"You shouldn't be the one apologizing."

"Get a room!" Sehun and Xiumin yells at us.

We both turn around. Kai glares at them, but I laugh.

"You would understand when you get a girlfriend." I tell them.

They scoff and nudge each other.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" Luhan asks me.

I let go of Kai and walk to him. "I called Zoey and told her what happened. Then she told me that she's packing. Packing to fly here, on such short notice too. She wouldn't let me say no, she hung up before I could say anything else."

Luhan smiles and puts his hand on my cheek. "Oh, you."


"You still don't get it?"

"Well, where would she stay? How will she pay for the expenses?"

"She's coming over! Duh, what else?"

My mouth opens. "What?"

"Another girl?" Sehun and Xiumin say out loud.

Luhan turns to them and roll his eyes. "Don't act surprised. This girl desperately needs her best friend."

I surprise him with a big hug, squeezing him tightly. "Thank you, thank you! You're seriously the best!"

"Oh, thank you..."

I give him multiple pecks on the cheek.

Kai pulls back and nervously laughs. "Wow, that's amazing. W-What's her name, again?"


"Oh wow, that's so amazing!" Kai nods his head and crosses his arms.

"Hey, you don't look to fond of this idea."

"Well, it's not that."

I shrug. "I believe you."

We wave to Luhan, Sehun, and Xiumin and we go to our room.

Kai slams the door and turns off the lights.

"Ok, seriously, why does everything have to be dark. Oh, are you sleeping?" I find my way to my bed.

"Yes." he plainly answers.

"Ok, I'll go leave you alone. I should go cook." I get up and walk towards the door. "I haven't cooked in a long time, maybe I should make-"

Kai grabs my hand and pulls me down onto his bed. "No, no, no. I want you to stay with me. Love heals."

My heart flutters. "Oh, ok."

I lay there on his bed with my back towards him and his arms around me.

I try breathing calmly to calm my heart.

"Are you ok with this?" Kai asks when he hears my loud breathing, oops.

"I'm fine, just really..." I turn myself around so I'm facing him. My breathing stops when our eyes meet. This is so crazy, it's so crazy, what is happening?

Kai chuckles. "Come here." He pulls me closer to him.

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