Part 50

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This is the last chapter! Be sure to read my other stories! ☺☺

Bella's POV

I park my car the closest to the front of the amusement park. This is the only place I know where Kai could be.

"Kai, you better be here!" I yell as I run around the amusement park.

I turn on my phone for the light and search.

"KAI! KAI! KAI! IT'S ME, BELLA! PLEASE COME OUT! PLEASE, I JUST WANT TO TAL-" Someone wraps their arms around me.

"Kai? Please, is that you?" I ask calmly.

"Bella, I don't know what's happening..." I hear Kai whispering. He sounded really sad.

"Kai, I'm here for you. Whatever happens, I'll try my best to support you the whole way." I turn around and hug him.

"But this is getting out of hand." Kai says.

"Kai...Kai, tell me what's going on?"

He stays quiet. I both of my hands on his shoulders and pull him back. "Look at me, Kai."

He looks at me and frowns.

"Tell me what happened." I sternly say.

"I-I got into a fight with the CEO. He found out about the beach accident and he's blaming you for all of it." Kai explains.

I sigh. "Kai, you need to know that sometimes, you need to sacrifice something for your job."

"But you don't understand-"

"So maybe he blamed me, but you didn't have to fight with him." I continue.

"Bella, that's not-"

"Ok, so he blamed me. But that's fine. Just prove to him-"

"He told me to break up with you!" Kai snaps. He breaths deeply while looking at me in the eyes.

"O-Oh. I see, um." I drop my arms and look down.

"But, Bella. I don't want to."

I look up at him. "Kai, this is your job on the line. I can't be the girl that got kicked out. Exo, Kai, that is your family. They've been through do much with you and you can't just..."

Kai sniffs. He gives me a tight hug. "I love Exo, but-"

"So, you will obey your CEO and-"

"But I love you too."

I pull back immediately. "What?"

Kai smiles brightly. "I love you too, Bella. I'm going to find a way to stay with Exo and you. I'm not letting go of you so easily."

My lip trembles. "Awh, Kai." I lean in and give him a kiss.

I pull back, but he pulls me back in and kisses me deeply.

"How did you know?" I say between little kisses.

"You're loud." Kai laughs.

I smile. "I'm glad you heard because it's true."

Kai chuckles.

"It is very true." I bite his bottom lip.

"Don't do that, it's going to make me-"


"Did you text them?" He asks me.

"No, I told them not to come." I groan.

"Luhan! I told you not to co-" I see Sehun, Suho, Xiumin, D.O, and Tao running right behind him.

"Luhan!" I stomp my feet. "Why are you?"

"I'm sorry! I was worried! The anticipation was killing me!" Luhan says.

"I wasn't gone for more than an hour." I roll my eyes.

The rest finally catch up, out of breath.

"I'm're...all r-right." Suho says in between breaths.

"I'm alright." Kai says and gives him a hug with a pat on his back.

"You've been gone for a long time! What were you doing?" Tao asks.

"I went out. I went for a walk, then I came here and walked around too. I went into the maze and I think I took a nap...." Kai scratches the back of his head.

"Don't ever do this and leave your phone in your room again. You really worried us." D.O says.

"I'm really sorry for all this." Kai apologizes.

"It's ok. As long as you're fine." Suho says.

"So, you LOVE each other!" Luhan makes kissy faces to me. I smack his arm.

Kai puts his arm around me and smiles. "I love her. I don't want to give her up."

I blush.

"Yup, you two really have a lot coming your way." Sehun pats my back.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean." He winks at Kai and smiles at me.

"Let's get back to the dorm and rest. It's almost 1:30 am." Xiumin says.

We all nod and walk back to the van where the rest of the members were waiting.

"Hey, how did you find us anyways?" I ask Luhan.

"Lay actually said that you might be here. He's smarter than we think. Haha." He answers.

I turn to Lay and he winks. I smile at him.

I turn back to Kai and rest my head on his shoulder. He takes my head and gives me a big wet kiss on my lips.

"Ew! Get a room! PDA, PDA!" Xiumin and Sehun shout.

"Yah!" I shout at them.

"We're just kidding." Sehun snickers and Xiumin covers his eyes.

I love these dorks and I'm glad I met them.

Happy ending right? Lol, I didn't know how to end, but not make it cheesy. I think I failed. Oh well, thank you for reading. This is the first time I ever finished a fanfic. I'm proud of myself. ☺☺☺

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