Part 24

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Bella's POV

"Ok, well, I think you need to change." Kai tells me while tugging on my cardigan.

"Oh, ok, I'll see if I brought anything for this." I walk back upstairs to the room.

I check my drawers. I unpacked everything already, so my suitcases are off under my bed.

"I didn't bring any sweatpants...." I say to myself. It helps me choose. "All I have are these workout shorts, but I never wore them to work out. I only bought them because they were comfortable, haha." I laugh at myself. I swear, if someone walked in right now and didn't know me, they would think I'm insane.

"Wear those." A voice behind me says, startling me.

I quickly turn around. "Oh, it's just you, you surprised me." I hold my heart.

Kai chuckles. "Just wear those, they'll work. Also wear a T-shirt, those are better than tank tops."

"Yeah I was going to do that." I am surprised by his fashion sense, it makes me wanna tease him, but I hold it in. I take out a Disney T-shirt. "Ok, shoo, I'm gonna change."

Kai stays still. "This is my room too."

I scoff. "Ok, fine, I'll change in the bathroom." I grab my clothes. I lock the door and started to change.

Kai says something, but I don't hear him. I ignore that and continue changing. I tie my hair up and remove all my makeup. I apply deodorant once again.

I walk of the room, not knowing that Kai was changing also. I gasp and, thanks to my reflexes, I run back into the bathroom as fast as I can.

"What the heck, Kai!?" I scold while sitting down, trying to calm down my heart.

"Hey, I told you I was changing!" Kai argues.

Oh, that's what I didn't hear. "Aish!" I face palm. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

"It's ok, as long as you didn't see anything."

Good, all I saw was his bare chest. Phew. My heart is beating so fast, it feels like I just ran a marathon.

As I sit there against the bathroom door waiting, I knock myself on the head, scolding myself. "How could you put yourself in that situation?"

The door opens causing me to fall over.

"Get your shoes!" Kai says looking down at me and walks away.

"And they say Kris is the cold guy..." I say under my breath.



I grab my socks and my black high tops. I didn't bring tennis shoes...

I quickly finish tying my shoe laces and run downstairs. I meet Kai with his sweatpants and hat on.

"Are you not hot?" I ask pointing to his sweatpants and hat.

He doesn't answer me, he just points to the air vent and water cooler.

I sigh and nod. I feel very awkward wearing booty shorts in front of him. Ugh, I should've brought my sweatpants too!

"Ok, let's start with stretches." Kai claps his hands.

We stretch out our legs and arms, hips and waist, and back.

"Now, let me see your flexibility." Kai says.

I hesitate. "What?"

"Show me what what you can you do!" Kai repeats.

I was in gymnastics throughout high school and won almost every match for my team, but stopped when I got into college.

"Ok, but I don't know if I'm still...." I go into my splits. "Oh, I can still do it."

"Now, do a bridge."

I tumble as I get up, but I go down as told.

"Ok, whatever I say, you do ok." Kai says coming closer to me.

"Uh, ok." Hopefully he doesn't tell me to do a back flip. I have horrible memories that have to do with those.

"Do a front handspring."

I do a front handspring.

"Do a back handspring."

I do a back handspring.

"Ok, good. I can teach you dances now."

"That's all?" I lean down tetibg to catch my breath.

"You want more?"

"Oh, no, no!"

"I didn't know you could do all that." Kai says while turning on music.

"I was in gymnastics for 4 years." I say.

"Oh nice."

I just nod.

Suddenly, "History" comes on.

"I know this is an old song, but the dance is really cool."

"This was my favorute song when I was in college." I say looking back at my college days.

Kai nods, then demonstrates the whole dance, flawlessly.

I watch in awe. He is so good! Its even better in person than on the computer screen.

He finishes off and look at me for a comment. I just stand there clapping and my mouth open in awe.

"That was so cool!" I finally manage to say.

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